mistergreen / WAAC

Web-enabled Arduino Aquarium Controller
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Problem with SDCard #12

Open dodolcool opened 5 years ago

dodolcool commented 5 years ago

Hello Im trying to make this project but after success upload the code and connect to network an error message always appear ERROR - SD card initialization failed! could you specify which sdcard module used on this project? im using esp32 and catalex microsd module. with P23=MOSI P19=MISO P18=SCK and P8=CS.

Also can you running PWM without any external module? which pin can i used? this is the firs time i used esp32 and it's make me confused >.<

mistergreen commented 5 years ago

Try pin 5 for SS/CS. Yes, you can use native PWM. That's any 'A' pin, (A0-A14).

dodolcool commented 5 years ago

ups sorry my bad. I mean P5 not P8. for CS and the error occurs like i mention above.

mistergreen commented 5 years ago

Try running a simple example SD card sketch and see if you have the same problem. Make sure the module is connected to 3v3 & ground. Check if the SD card is formatted with FAT32 and there are files on it.

asasi83 commented 4 years ago

I had the same issue, pins were connected like in https://icircuit.net/arduino-interfacing-sd-card-esp-32/1857, and "SD card sketch" worked, but I still had "ERROR - SD card initialization failed!". The issue was solved when I added "FS.h".