mistervee / skin.madnox

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Skin Cleanup #18

Closed mistervee closed 5 years ago

mistervee commented 7 years ago

@bartolomesoriano @meowmoo @MadMikeDoc

Hi all,

RL has been a bit busy so I am falling behind with trying to keep this skin on track and am noticing numerous bugs. I need to review all the commits and reinstate media flags, finalize the all the textures, update any issues and clean up everything 100% before we start adding any thing new. If i dont do this my concern is the we might just end up back where we started.

Stage 1

Stage 2

Stage 3

Stage 4

mistervee commented 7 years ago

@mikesilvo164 Perhaps i missed that part of freezing. I do not have the skin freeze, just a delay in loading of the textures. I have had this issue in the past and a delete of the DB and re-scan fixed the issue for me. But that was only due updating the DB between versions of kodi. (Krypton/Jarvis/Leia)

@MadMikeDoc I am not not sure but i think mike has a big database of movies.

MikeSiLVO commented 7 years ago

@mistervee That is one thing that I have not needed to do in a long while... I will not delete my DB unless absolutely necessary cause I have manually entered numerous changes like sort titles, available icons for studios, and all that stuff.

I do keep a clean textures DB using texture cache maintenance utility though about every month or two.

When your talking literally thousands of titles it becomes not worth it for me to delete all that just for testing purposes.

If there is something I can do or try please let me know how I can help in any way I could. 😃

mistervee commented 7 years ago


Understandable. I am not a fan of it either. What i have done in the past is to install a second installation of kodi in a different directory and run it in portable mode. (make shortcut and add -p). Alternatively if you do not run in portable mode just make a shortcut with the suffix -p. Then you will have another folder in the kodi install folder 'portable_data'. If you run it from the shortcut it is like a fresh install but does not remove the non portable mode settings.

MikeSiLVO commented 7 years ago

Yes, I know that. I have a test version for Krypton and Jarvis installed with portable_data folders.

My reasoning is if the skin requires you to delete a DB file then it is a skin issue that should be fixed/resolved so the user does not have to delete everything to use said skin.

Does that make sense?

Just so I am clear... IMHO asking a user to try a portable version is fine but if they are on a platform other than Windows that does not allow that then they need to post a debug log so the skinner can check to see if it is addon, script, build, and/or possibly user error related.

I never recommend to delete your install to test if things worked unless that recommendation had to do with the user installing previously mentioned shitty addons, builds , or any other not recommended crap when they should be using Kodi the proper way.

Normal users should not have to delete anything just so a skin can work the way it should without touching any userdata.

I should be able to use a 6yr old DB file I have not upgraded in yrs with a skin compatible with the version of Kodi I am currently using. If that is not the case then it could be a Kodi bug that should be reported so the devs can fix.

I would never tell my users to delete any files so a skin will work (unless I suspect the things mentioned above 😉) cause a skin should be showing what is in the database so there should not be any issues affecting properly used INFOlabels at all.

I hope that makes some sense since I am running on like 2 hours of sleep and am about to crash for the night... 😏

MadMikeDoc commented 7 years ago

@mistervee @mikesilvo164 Hi,

My current setup is: 4496 movies 12566 episodes 75655 songs

Recently purchase a new HTPC: Intel Core i3-6100 3.7GHz 8GB 120GB SSD 1TB HDD

With Krypton and generally using SHS widgets I get an initial wait upon start and then after that all widgets seem fine and responsive, but my Krypton setup seems to have some weird problems I just can't iron out, sometimes backgrounds stop showing or extrafanart stops working then widgets will stop refreshing and then every so often it seems the skin will just reload itself. All this is on Win10!.

but when it's working ok things seem fine with widget response after initial skin load.

I can do some testing if needed, just let me know what you'd like tested?


That CD cover and disc just look to big from the picture but I guess it's best to set it in operation. I will be adding to MusicViz once updated as I prefer a different layout and will add that back in at some point.

bartolomesoriano commented 7 years ago

@mistervee , @mikesilvo164, @MadMikeDoc, @meowmoo

I tried Mike Silvo's playlist with Silvo Leia under Windows 10 Enterprise. My setup is a core i5, 16GB RAM, 240GB SSD, nVidia GTX 970, and all my media is on a Synology NAS hardwired through GB ethernet.

I have a collection slightly larger than Mike Doc's (4700+ movies, 15k+ episodes, 226k songs) , and the widget loading for me is instant, as is the change once a movie has been watched. Scrolling through the widget items is also smooth, and I have panel widget info turned on.

Do you want me to perform any other tests before making a final decision on using playlists for widgets or not? Please let me know. Thanks.

mistervee commented 7 years ago

@mikesilvo164 Fair point on the DB issues. My personal experience using pre alpha versions has sometime corrupted my database. Also have had issue when upgrading my router with different local ip's on my nas. I have nfo files and artwork stored along side my movies ect so my normal thing to do is recan. I have never tried to do any debugging on my end for suspected database issue. I will have to rethink this in the future.

The one thing i am sure of, with inefficient coding (to many stops and checks for kodi, too many variables string compares ect) dynamic database content can slow down. If you look at the list view for example; i coded the new version of madnox with one container and lots of variables and visible conditions and had a significant slow down while scrolling. Making multiple containers with one visible condition for each and limited variables solved the issue.

Cheers for you input. Makes a lot of sense.

Note: the 1-2 delay for me is due to a fresh setup and kodi having to cache the artwork.

@bartolomesoriano Lets go ahead with the playlists. They will be used for the live backgrounds and some of them for the widgets.

From your list i would go for the following with these alterations (only a suggestion so make them as you please, we can change them if required); Movies: Recently added, Random, In-Progress, New, Sets, Recommended, IMDb Top 250 TV Shows: Recently added, Random, Recommended, New Episodes: Recently Added, Random, Recommended, In-Progress, New Music Videos: Recently added, Random, New, Most Watched Artists: Random Albums: Recently Added, Random, ,New, Recommended, Most Played Songs: Recently Added, Random, ,New, Recommended, Most Played


This is not a perfect list of ideas by any means. Something close to what i have suggested would be great. Feel free to change remove add whatever you think will or wont or work.

mistervee commented 7 years ago

@bartolomesoriano @MadMikeDoc @meowmoo

and @mikesilvo164 (as you may have some thoughts with your user base experience)

Next question;

<value condition="String.Contains(ListItem.Filename,4k)">4k.png</value>
<value condition="ListItem.IsStereoscopic">3d.png</value> <value condition="String.Contains(ListItem.Filename,hdtv)">hdtv.png</value> <value condition="String.Contains(ListItem.Filename,webdl)">webdl.png</value> <value condition="String.IsEqual(ListItem.Label,ListItem.TVshowTitle)">tvseries.png</value> <value condition="!String.IsEmpty(ListItem.VideoResolution)">$INFO[ListItem.VideoResolution]p.png</value> <value condition="ListItem.IsCollection">set.png</value> <value>p.png</value>

The above code is for the variables for the cases. https://github.com/mistervee/skin.madnox/tree/master/media/thumbs/case/poster

The main goal here is to minimize the string compares, but not to miss out on having certain cases showing for user file naming conventions.

Do we need extra textures for SDTV and HDDVD? (if required i will have to ask aries to make some more cases) Is this going to suit the various file naming conventions? Do i need to add more string compares? trying to minimize the coding in this part as this will be what is used for live backgrounds, widgets and library view cases.

bartolomesoriano commented 7 years ago

@mistervee , @MadMikeDoc, @meowmoo , @mikesilvo164

Answering the last question first, I don't think we need extra textures for SDTV and HDDVD. However, I do think we need some additional string compares to not miss out on some user naming conventions. One of the best compromises I have seen would be the following (I added some that I think are necessary to cover the widest possible audience)


3d.png hdtv.png webdl.png tvseries.png $INFO[ListItem.VideoResolution]p.png set.png p.png` What do you think?
bartolomesoriano commented 7 years ago

@mistervee, in terms of the playlists, I like your list, and had a question on the recommended music; when you say rule playcount, do you mean that playcount = 0 or that playcount > 0?

Also, for the New playlists, the only type where there is an airdate is episodes; there is no release date for movies, tvshows, or music in the Kodi db, so I don't think I will add any of those. Do you know of another way to get the "new" movies, etc. in a playlist?

mistervee commented 7 years ago


I agree with covering a wide audience. Keep in mind the listitem.videoresolution covers everything apart from 3d movies, sets, tv shows. You can just have the corresponding file name to match the listitem.videoresolution to the case.

For 4k content, i would rather not use any string compares as kodi returns the video resolution as 4k. It would be best not to set any sort of file naming options as i don't see this has been done in the past.

The HDTV,SDTV,WEBTV personally is something i don't use, but seem to something that was used in various skins over the years. All my movies are simply moviename (year). For anything 3d i use this http://kodi.wiki/view/3D#Video_filenames_flags. Which works with the listitem.isstereoscopic.

My code preference would be; <value condition="ListItem.IsStereoscopic">3d.png</value> <value condition="String.IsEqual(ListItem.Label,ListItem.TVshowTitle)">tvseries.png</value> <value condition="!String.IsEmpty(ListItem.VideoResolution)">$INFO[ListItem.VideoResolution]p.png</value> <value condition="ListItem.IsCollection">set.png</value> <value>p.png</value>

And may be considering changing some case colors.

It would be great to hear from @MadMikeDoc and @meowmoo as they have large movie collections and might have further ideas.

mistervee commented 7 years ago

@bartolomesoriano Now that i think about it.... for recommended music would be what i listen to a lot, If the playcount was 0 i would look at what i personally rate it at and what the scraped rating is.

For the 'new' seems like tv shows is a no brainer as it has always been a annoyance of mine. Like when i add a whole season of a show and the widget or live background shows the same cover. Then i don't know what the latest episode's are for that week. So instead of new call it recently aired.

For music, movies, tv series, music videos - I suppose you could go for a combination of year/date added and order by year. Not sure what i would call the playlist may be recent release?

ATM really what ever you come up with i will use. We can sort out the finer details down the track.

@all When we cannot tweak anymore then start looking at the dynamic content the various scripts provide.

mistervee commented 7 years ago

@bartolomesoriano @MadMikeDoc @meowmoo I must say i am taking longer than i thought with the aspects of the skin that i requested be put on hold. I am trying to perfect the base code and trying to get as much input as possible to help guide me along the way. I will get there soon enough and thanks for all the input, ideas and the coding you guys have done. So please bear with me on this slow journey.

MikeSiLVO commented 7 years ago

I would like to mention that for TV Shows I currently use Skin Helper Recent TV Shows with "Group items in recent episodes" option enabled because it consolidates entries instead of just showing the last whatever episode which could be the same show repeated again and again... For how I add and watch shows when usually adding whole seasons at a time it is problematic...

Scripts can take into account options that are irrelevant to the users library so playlists can be difficult and in my experience usually are not the way to go. Not saying my example works for all but for this playlist it just will not do what I would like it too.

Food for thought? Maybe?

MikeSiLVO commented 7 years ago

Concerning the VAR mentioned above... I think adding an override based on filename is OK when considering certain circumstances. For HDDVD as an example... IMHO if the user has that in their filename one of two options are possible:

1st is the file is actually from a HDVD and the user would like that to be known or 2nd The source of the file from the internet says it is HDDVD and the user might like that shown but possibly not

IMHO overriding by filename is OK if the usual filenames cannot be provided using INFOlabels.

In other words, if you have a 1080p file and without any override in the filename show BluRay by default cause that makes the most sense but... If I have an HDDVD from when they were available I should be able to display that if I want to add it to my filename...

All of the above that I mentioned is OFC IMHO 😃

MadMikeDoc commented 7 years ago


Bit confused over this VAR change for cases especially considering what we do in Krypton seems to do the job:


    <value condition="SubString(ListItem.Filename,3D) | SubString(ListItem.Filename,3d)">3d.png</value>
    <value condition="SubString(ListItem.Filename,.3D.) | SubString(ListItem.Filename,.3d.)">3d.png</value>
    <value condition="SubString(ListItem.Filename, 3D.) | SubString(ListItem.Filename, 3d.)">3d.png</value>
    <value condition="SubString(ListItem.Filename,.3DBD.) | SubString(ListItem.Filename,.3dbd.)">3d.png</value>
    <value condition="SubString(ListItem.Filename, 3DBD.) | SubString(ListItem.Filename, 3dbd.)">3d.png</value>
    <value condition="SubString(ListItem.Filename,.HDDVD.) | SubString(ListItem.Filename,.hddvd.)">hddvd.png</value>
    <value condition="SubString(ListItem.Filename, HDDVD.) | SubString(ListItem.Filename, hddvd.)">hddvd.png</value>
    <value condition="SubString(ListItem.Filename,.SDTV.) | SubString(ListItem.Filename,.sdtv.)">sdtv.png</value>
    <value condition="SubString(ListItem.Filename, SDTV.) | SubString(ListItem.Filename, sdtv.)">sdtv.png</value>
    <value condition="SubString(ListItem.Filename,.HDTV.) | SubString(ListItem.Filename,.hdtv.)">hdtv.png</value>
    <value condition="SubString(ListItem.Filename, HDTV.) | SubString(ListItem.Filename, hdtv.)">hdtv.png</value>
    <value condition="SubString(ListItem.Filename,WEBDL) | SubString(ListItem.Filename,webdl)">webdl.png</value>
    <value condition="SubString(ListItem.Filename,WEBDL-) | SubString(ListItem.Filename,webdl-)">webdl.png</value>
    <value condition="SubString(ListItem.Filename,WEB.DL) | SubString(ListItem.Filename,web.dl)">webdl.png</value>
    <value condition="SubString(ListItem.Filename,.WEBDL.) | SubString(ListItem.Filename,.webdl.)">webdl.png</value>
    <value condition="SubString(ListItem.Filename, WEBDL.) | SubString(ListItem.Filename, webdl.)">webdl.png</value>
    <value condition="SubString(ListItem.Filename,.WEB-DL.) | SubString(ListItem.Filename,.web-dl.)">webdl.png</value>
    <value condition="SubString(ListItem.Filename, WEB-DL.) | SubString(ListItem.Filename, web-dl.)">webdl.png</value>
    <value condition="SubString(ListItem.Filename,.4K.) | SubString(ListItem.Filename,.4k.)">4k.png</value>
    <value condition="SubString(ListItem.Filename, 4K.) | SubString(ListItem.Filename, 4k.)">4k.png</value>
MikeSiLVO commented 7 years ago

I really do not want to step on anyone's toes here so, I will respond to @MadMikeDoc and be gone if any of you feel like I am being a "doof".

Prerequisite IMHO:

To me @mistervee wants to streamline things, including VAR's, which is the way to go in my opinion so dropping filename conventions for 3d with any file Jarvis and above should be the way forward.

Reasoning is simple due to Kodi 3D playback being based on what the database knows and it gets that from streamdetails when added, filename if applicable, and/or manual selection using the video settings dialog if all else fails. None of that is skin dependent so all the extra 3D stuff can likely go bye bye.

Anywhoo I do not want to poke my nose where it does not belong so I will say the above and please let me know if you guys think I can add to the discussion 😃

bartolomesoriano commented 7 years ago

@mikesilvo164, IMHO you always add value to the discussion, so thanks!

@mistervee, for my own use, I agree with your take on the VAR, since I don't even use 3D, and all my movies and music videos and TV shows and episodes always have a video resolution present (I scrape with Emby server and complete any tagging with Media Companion).

However, I am concerned with more general use; does every Kodi scraper scrape a video resolution into the db? If not, then most likely we would be showing an incorrect case until the user plays one of the items (Kodi will set the correct resolution after playback). What do you think?

MadMikeDoc commented 7 years ago

Gotcha, no need to worry @mikesilvo164, always welcome mate.

meowmoo commented 7 years ago

I also think we dont need SDTV oder HDDVD, HDDVD was alive 2 years, if someone really own a HDDVD its his fault :P I also just use moviename (year). as filename, and dont use any cases so its hard for me to judge here, but like @mikesilvo164 says @mistervee whant to make it as "clean" as possible, and i'm all in for it. There will always be a user that use "web-dl" and not webdl, but this one user could add this extra string by himself or rename the file.

@bartolomesoriano when I add a new movie, and focus it, it take a few sec and then the (right)resolution icon shows up, so Kodi is checking the Metadata without me starting the Movie.

@mistervee take all the time you need :)

bartolomesoriano commented 7 years ago

Thanks @meowmoo! Given that, I am also all for the streamlining of the case VAR.

mistervee commented 7 years ago

@mikesilvo164 Cheers mike. You explained it clearly. Spot on.

Might be an aussie thing as my explanations are not always on par.

@bartolomesoriano @MadMikeDoc @meowmoo Seems like for @bartolomesoriano and @meowmoo it will have no impact on your DB/Filenames.

For @MadMikeDoc i am not sure if you like to use file names for cases like hdtv sdtv ect. I am not for covering the 1% user base that use file name's to show cases. Streamlining is the way to go.

So my question for @MadMikeDoc is do you use HDTV, SDTV, WEBDL ect for your tvshow, movie library in the filename?

This will have an impact on coding. It is team effort and i want to cover only what Team Madnox uses not the 1% of other users.

mistervee commented 7 years ago

@bartolomesoriano The playlists would be great when you can get them done.

A download link would be great or put them in \extras\playlists\filename.xps as shown https://github.com/marcelveldt/script.skin.helper.service/wiki/Helpers-for-skinshortcuts under "Currently available widgets"

MadMikeDoc commented 6 years ago


I don't use those types, maybe 1 or 2 somehow but it won't be a problem. I have named my files with dvd or Bluray or 3D but resolution should sort that out.

bartolomesoriano commented 6 years ago

@mistervee, real life has been getting in the way of Kodi time for me lately. I will create and upload to \extras\playlists between today and tomorrow.

bartolomesoriano commented 6 years ago

@mistervee, I have pushed the playlists. There is no way I could find to make a recently added songs playlist, just like I could find no way to make a recently added albums playlist. This last one is not an issue, since there is a Recently Added Albums node in the music library.

In terms of New, except for episodes, I opted for Recently Released. This relies on Year, which seems to be fine for movies and tv shows. I am not sure for music videos; it seemed to be fine in my tests.

For Recommended, for albums and songs, I used a Rating greater than 7, but I could not test it. Rating is not one of the tags that I use with my music. I decided to create 2 additional playlists, My Recommended Albums and My Recommended Songs, based on userrating. I selected also My Rating greater than 7. These seemed to be fine in my tests.

Please let me know if these are OK, and if you would like me to add or change anything. Thanks.

MadMikeDoc commented 6 years ago


Have I missed something here? what is the purpose of all these playlists? Are widgets going to be playlist only due to 'speed'? Where speed is completely controlled by users hardware? Will the existing library data provider / SHS options etc. still be available for widgets?


Those Recently released playlists don't sound correct, although it may work it is not 'recently added'? what happens if I buy an old tv series, which I do all the time, and rip it? it won't be in the widget due to it having an old 'year'will it?

Also a recently added albums should just be 'date added' descending. I'm sure I've created that in the past, will take a look!

bartolomesoriano commented 6 years ago

@madmikedoc, the recently released are just that, what has most recently been premiered or released. There is no equivalent, for movies. Tv shows and music videos, in the Kodi db, to the air date that episodes have. Thus, I am using year, which, from the tests I did, takes the complete date a movie or tv show was premiered.

Recently added are separate playlists, you will find I created them as well. In Leia, I could not find date added as a sort by field for albums in the GUI. I did not attempt to put it manually in the xsp file.

mistervee commented 6 years ago

@bartolomesoriano Thanks for the playlist. RL comes first so take your time what ever you do.

What you have done is great. Things can be tweaked in future if needed. I really just needed these for the live backgrounds so i can finish off that part.

@MadMikeDoc The playlist are for the widgets and live backgrounds. I am currently working on live backgrounds. Playlist generally load faster apart from random ones, they also provide more info labels.

When we get to the widgets i imagine it will be a combo of both. Preference is using a playlist and SHS will be used when a playlist cant do what is required. So at this point i am not 100% sure with the widgets how it will work out. They will be mostly re-coded.

mistervee commented 6 years ago

@MadMikeDoc @meowmoo @bartolomesoriano

A quick question in regards to textures, playlists and skin files in general. Is there any limitations on file naming for the various operating systems?

I have been using no spaces, no capital letters. Just lowercase and a '-' (dash) in between.

For xml's using cap's and no spaces.

I have in the back of my mind @MadMikeDoc there was some file naming issue with textures not working in some cases.

MadMikeDoc commented 6 years ago


one system, andrioid I think, couldn't handle uppercase in textures so everything is lower case. Think that was the only issue of this kind and Windows is no problem as it doesn't care. Don't thiml xml names are a problem just anything in /media and it's sub-dirs.

How's it going?

mistervee commented 6 years ago


Thanks for the info. I was not sure what platform so i will do as you have suggested.

Going ok thanks. The skin progress is slow and progressing. I am wanting to push a commit but still trying to hammer down the foundation. Madnox is such a feature rich skin and perfection is my a goal.

meowmoo commented 6 years ago

the only thing i know is linux is case sensitive and windows dont care :)

mistervee commented 6 years ago

@bartolomesoriano @MadMikeDoc @meowmoo

Been a while since an update. Stage 1 is done plus loads of extra stuff.

bartolomesoriano commented 6 years ago

@mistervee, awesome news! Can we go ahead and test the updates?

mistervee commented 6 years ago

@bartolomesoriano Sure thing. That was the intention.

bartolomesoriano commented 6 years ago

@mistervee , I did an initial round of testing, and in general everything is OK. What sort of feedback would you like on this version? I ask so I know what to report and what to ignore. Thanks.

mistervee commented 6 years ago

@ArieS1204 @bartolomesoriano @meowmoo @MadMikeDoc @mikesilvo164

Hi all just am update as it has been a while.

I have been unwell for a while so hence the lack of communication. Aside from that i have still been chipping away at this skin

Just pushed another large update

+ADDED Coloured Media Flags Skin Effects Home screen customization Home screen widgets Addon browser Movie/Addon Info Manfeed Lyrics

*Reworked Dialog and panel textures Buttons and progress controls Fonts

NOTE All of this is WIP. 50% complete home widgets and backgrounds 80% complete everything else

A few standout things;

The skin textures have been reworked again to combine @ArieS1204 design and Aeon nox 4 design. In future i plan to create options for skin themes in which you can set a certain textures for different windows. Similar to the way the color picker works. So all textures you see for any panels and dialogs can be changed. If you looks at the home menu textures changer, this is what style of textures i plan to use through out the skin.

The home screen is 80% complete. 95% functional and feature complete. Most of it is a code tidy up. The widgets and backgrounds, half way there.

Also checkout the skin effect and and overlay settings. In the skin settings. Combine this with custom colors and all many options for the home screen and you can make it look like a completely different skin with a few button clicks.

Getting all of this to play nice together has been no easy task. I need to go over all the entire code and tidy up a lot of stuff, then get the theme selector sorted. After that the library view and PVR can be started.

@ArieS1204 If you have some time could you help out with some textures?

@All Feel free to test this out and provide feedback. Bugs reports are not required. There are plenty and most should be ironed out when i clean up the code.

Cheers all.

bartolomesoriano commented 6 years ago

@mistervee, thank you! I hope you feel better.

Quick questions from my initial testing:

  1. Did you remove the ability to choose between a text-based menu and an icon menu, or of seeing icons with text for the menu options? I hope that this is just WIP, since I really dislike text-only menus.

  2. For changing colors, how do you change the colors for the skin as a whole? Before you could change the highlight, dialog, etc. on a global level, and I can't find that now.

On another note, I really like the textures and buttons and dialogs, and I will play with effects and overlays. Until I can change colors globally, I will not test much in this area.

Once again, thank you so much for all your work and for keeping this going!

mistervee commented 6 years ago

Hi @bartolomesoriano

you can change the text/icon style here. https://imgur.com/a/cCjR3KZ

The global color is not working atm. I have a lot of changes to do in that area when i add 'Themes'. You can change the colors for each area separately in the side/media menu in each area of the skin. Push 'M' and choose view settings in any window.

Cheers for trying it out.

bartolomesoriano commented 6 years ago

Thanks @mistervee, I had forgotten about pressing M in the main menu! Great job with home menu customization, I really like the options for the menu bar texture and for the info line, submenu and shortcuts.

ArieS1204 commented 6 years ago

@mistervee What can I help with? I will test out the skin over the weekend, looking forward to it!

mistervee commented 6 years ago

@bartolomesoriano Thanks. :smiley: I should of mentioned you can also navigate up as you do with the library views.

@ArieS1204 I need 1920x1080 version of each texture you used for the main menu. This will be for skin themes and overlay texture's.

bartolomesoriano commented 6 years ago

@mistervee, is there a specific version of script.skinshortcuts that needs to be used? I am getting a lot of errors in the log and I cannot assign a widget to any menu item (besides the first one I did), I always get a skinshortcuts error saying that the menu could not be built.

mistervee commented 6 years ago

@bartolomesoriano Have a look in the settings area, Addons. And make sure the required addons are installed. You need marcelveldt's beta repo. https://marcelveldt.github.io/repository.marcelveldt/repository.marcelveldt/repository.marcelveldt-1.0.1.zip

Also you could try to reset the main menu.

If that does not work there is probably a bug somewhere. The widgets are poorly coded, it was a quick implementation just to get it basic functionality..