mistervee / skin.madnox

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General Issue/Feedback #22

Closed mistervee closed 4 years ago

Slipass commented 5 years ago

A general question for everyone. What do you think of this view? It's not from Madnox, but I think it looks nice and clean.


gibxxi commented 5 years ago

That's Arctic Zephyr. I also use that skin, but I don't think we should be importing views / layout / design elements from other skins that weren't already part of Aeon Madnox (1.0). That's Plagiarism at best. I like Arctic Zephyr (Not so sure about 2.0 - at this stage), but if I want that look for a change, i'll simply switch to that skin, from Madnox and vice-versa.

Also, while I'm here, it might be an idea to post "links" to your screenshots in this thread Slipass, as posting lots of images will cause massive slowdowns of page loads. Github doesn't seem to support pagination, so the entire thread will be loaded on a single page, thus causing massive slowdowns, the more remote images it needs to load. Just an idea, no offence intended.

Slipass commented 5 years ago

Hello together.... Right, the view is from Arctic Zephyr. It was only the consideration, if you can rebuild such a view in the style of Madnox.

Concerning the screenshots you are right, but the loading times were still ok with me. For a better overview, I wanted to post it directly instead of just the link. But I can also post only the link.


mistervee commented 5 years ago


Thankyou. Appreciate your feedback.

@gibxxi @Slipass

Sorry a late response. I have been quite busy with work and coding in the past week. I will take a look at your feedback and make some improvements. Need a bit of time to get through it all.

BTW i am ok with images in the each github discussion.

As @gibxxi said the threads get a little slow with images, and they slow down further the more posts your have. I am trying to split up the discussion based on an area of the skin and what feedback is needed at the time. This will keep the post count low,make github faster loading and make easier for me to address your feedback, so i don't miss anything.

Any feedback for the views should be in this thread https://github.com/mistervee/skin.madnox/issues/42

I will respond in the other thread, when time permits.

Just pushed another update, details in the other thread.

Cheers All

meowmoo commented 5 years ago

In the furniture settings you can't select top bar, by pressing down you can't reach the other options, pressing up will jump from quick nav to enable/disable views

mistervee commented 5 years ago


First of all, I think it's great how well the skin is developing. It looks really great.


1: In movies and series it is not possible to have a view without the fanarts.

2: Even if I choose Single Image, it won't be showed

I made some changes some time ago and removed skin helper service. Backgrounds are not working as they should. When the views are finished i will look at other parts of the skin.

3: The Video Preview is only in full screen (background. But I find this very impractical, because you hardly see anything of the video. Here I find the window mode (picture in picture) much better

I will add the option to the views in future. Added to the first post in the 'To Do' list in this thread https://github.com/mistervee/skin.madnox/issues/42

4: There are no Disc Art Fallback

In the first post in the 'To Do' list in this thread. Artwork fallbacks. https://github.com/mistervee/skin.madnox/issues/42

5: The Showcase View has no "fixed list" you can scroll infinitely. I find a "fixed list" better

In the first post in the 'To Do' list in this thread. Artwork fallbacks. https://github.com/mistervee/skin.madnox/issues/42

6: No Box Art

Maybe? In the first post in the 'To Do' list in this thread. Artwork fallbacks. https://github.com/mistervee/skin.madnox/issues/42

7: Is it in the future possible to add other cases?

Not sure for now. I would rather only have one case type. Much easier from a coding perspective only having one case type to deal with.

mistervee commented 5 years ago

9: The progress is not shown in the icons.

I have no plans to add this feature. It is something personally i would not like to use. Not to mention the amount of time it would take to create this.

If i added this i would have to create 100 images and would take me a full day complete.

10: In the Music view you cannot scroll in steps of 10

Not sure what the problem is. The scroll bar seems to be working.

11: The fanarts are no longer displayed because the logic is still based on the old artwork downloader.

Should be working. All the artwork use kodi infolabels, none of the old madnox method exists in the skin.

If kodi is setup like this there should be no issues https://kodi.wiki/view/Movie_artwork

12: I found the old info view in the movies a bit more clearly/structured.

No plans to change how it looks. I do agree it looks a little cluttered, So in future i will remove the director/writer info to make it consistent with the list views.

12: Question: Will you also plan further views for music and radio plays? I liked the 3D view in the old Madnox

Not sure what you mean by music and radio plays?

I will not be adding any 3d view to the skin. This is really a personal preference, not so keen on adding too much that i will not use, that will also take a lot of time to complete.

13: The old view at "LiveTV" was a bit clearer. The Info List 1 is not so nice as the "Complete overlay" For example, the progress bar and the channel name are missing in the new Live TV

This was a design choice. I find the progress bar and channel name makes the view look cluttered. Instead of the progress bar the start and finish time is shown, i find this much more useful than a progress bar. The channel logo is shown instead of the name. I find this a much cleaner way of identifying what channel is shown.

14: LiveDVD Background still missing

After they views are finished, i will get to it, just not my focus for now.

15: Maybe I'm image but I can't find the repositories for the addons :)

I need to recode this area of the skin.

Click on addon browser button.

16: I think the old Shadowbar didn't look so good and it fits better with the skin

Change the topbar theme to shadow Change the shadow color to black Change the shadow 'opacity' to 0% Change the texture color to black It should look similar.

17:The Pause menu is still missing

Still working on the views. Not finished coding yet.

mistervee commented 5 years ago


18: Is it possible that the submenu is only displayed when you press down? And the shadow is adjusted a little bit more to the old Madnox?

See my previous post about the shadow color. Same steps as previously outlined. But main menu settings.

The submenu, I can look at that in future.

mistervee commented 5 years ago


In the furniture settings you can't select top bar, by pressing down you can't reach the other options, pressing up will jump from quick nav to enable/disable views


mistervee commented 5 years ago


Updated the texture for the topbar.

If you change the settings as i mentioned it will be the same as Aeon madnox.


gibxxi commented 5 years ago

Having an issue quitting Kodi using Madnox 2.0. And this only seems to be an issue for Madnox 2.0 in my case. Possibly unique to my addon setup, as I don't see anyone else posting about it, but it is consistent across all 3 systems I run Kodi on.

Under Kodi Leia 18.2, using Madnox 2.0, upon exiting Kodi, it will hard freeze 99.5% of the time. The Kodi log gets as far as "Unloading Skin", but no further entries appear in the log, CPU usage is 0% and the process needs to be task-killed by Task Manager.

There are 4 addons that are leaving some things in memory (see below) but this behaviour does not seem to ocurr with Aeon Madnox (1.0). To clarify, I'm not aware if these log entries are created or not with Aeon Nox 1.0 as I haven't checked, but neither does it hard lock on exit nearly as much either. The method doesn't matter; Be it Exit / Restart or Shutdown. All produce the same end result (Kodi hard freezing).

2019-06-16 13:17:10.836 T:16508 WARNING: CPythonInvoker(119, D:\Kodi Media Center\portable_data\addons\plugin.video.amazon-test\service.py): the python script "D:\Kodi Media Center\portable_data\addons\plugin.video.amazon-test\service.py" has left several classes in memory that we couldn't clean up. The classes include: class XBMCAddon::xbmcaddon::Addon,class XBMCAddon::xbmcgui::Dialog

2019-06-16 13:17:10.844 T:18104 WARNING: CPythonInvoker(3, D:\Kodi Media Center\portable_data\addons\plugin.video.twitch\resources\lib\service_runner.py): the python script "D:\Kodi Media Center\portable_data\addons\plugin.video.twitch\resources\lib\service_runner.py" has left several classes in memory that we couldn't clean up. The classes include: class XBMCAddon::xbmcgui::Window

2019-06-16 13:17:11.336 T:8936 WARNING: CPythonInvoker(5, D:\Kodi Media Center\portable_data\addons\script.artwork.beef\service.py): the python script "D:\Kodi Media Center\portable_data\addons\script.artwork.beef\service.py" has left several classes in memory that we couldn't clean up. The classes include: class PythonBindings::XBMCAddon_xbmc_Monitor_Director,class XBMCAddon::xbmcgui::DialogProgressBG

2019-06-16 13:17:14.371 T:3692 WARNING: CPythonInvoker(23, D:\Kodi Media Center\portable_data\addons\service.scrobbler.lastfm\scrobbler.py): the python script "D:\Kodi Media Center\portable_data\addons\service.scrobbler.lastfm\scrobbler.py" has left several classes in memory that we couldn't clean up. The classes include: class PythonBindings::XBMCAddon_xbmc_Monitor_Director,class PythonBindings::XBMCAddon_xbmc_Player_Director

Whether these leftovers are in any way related to interactions between the skin itself and the addons (progress bars / dialogs / etc.) I can't say, as I'm not a coder or a skinner, and do not understand Python very well. Suffice to say, exit only seems to hang for me (with regularity) in Madnox 2.0.

Dan / Gib.

mistervee commented 5 years ago

That's a tough one to answer.

All i can think of is it may relate to skin helper service in some way?

I have had issue in the past with the addon and kodi not shutting down as it should. Mainly due to some issues with skin helper trying to retrieve artwork. I have not fully removed all of skin helper artwork in the skin yet. Code still remains for music now playing and some background selection. I will get to that in time.

If you remove the skin helper addon does help?

gibxxi commented 5 years ago

...Possibly. I can't out-right remove it, as it's a dependancy for a few other skins (including Madnox 1.0 - which is still my daily-driver) so i temporarily renamed the folder.

Exited (gracefully) 1st time after a 10 second delay or so, but this is normal given the number of add-ons I have installed i guess. I'll keep it that way on the testing machine (Desktop) and just use Madnox 1.0 on the other two for now, and see how it goes. Let me know if you want to see a log, i'll PM you one on the Kodi forums if your interested.

Dan / Gib.

mistervee commented 5 years ago

If time allows i will try to remove the remaining code from skin helper in the next couple of weeks. If you are still having issues after that, it will be time for a log.

meowmoo commented 5 years ago

I set up Madnox as my Daily Skin, and im more than happy with it! and this in an alpha stage... I need to say it again...Awesome work mistervee.

The only thing im missing are the watched flags, but im sure the will come "soon"

gibxxi commented 5 years ago

Hi Mr. V,

Small problem with "Low List" view when used at the "Season" level for TV shows. Season posters are not displayed, and instead a generic "folder" is displayed.

I'd like to say, also, that the skin is looking very good. It's not yet quite mature enough for me to switch to it full time, but it's not far away either. Good work all-round, so thanks for that.


Dan / Gib.

mistervee commented 5 years ago

@bartolomesoriano @gibxxi @Slipass @meowmoo

Just a observation. I am going through some of the threads and there is a lot of feedback i have missed.

You need to use @mistervee if you are posting feedback or I sometimes do not receive an email notification. I only check github when i am pushing a new commit or responding to a notification i have via my email account.

EDIT: I have been doing this too on some posts. Could be a reason you may have not seen my response.

mistervee commented 5 years ago


I set up Madnox as my Daily Skin, and im more than happy with it! and this in an alpha stage... I need to say it again...Awesome work mistervee.

The only thing im missing are the watched flags, but im sure the will come "soon"

Glad you like it. :smiley:

I will get to the watched flags in the next couple of weeks.

mistervee commented 5 years ago


Hi Mr. V,

Small problem with "Low List" view when used at the "Season" level for TV shows. Season posters are not displayed, and instead a generic "folder" is displayed.

I'd like to say, also, that the skin is looking very good. It's not yet quite mature enough for me to switch to it full time, but it's not far away either. Good work all-round, so thanks for that.


Dan / Gib.

Showing fine from my end

If you don't see season posters here you should not see them in all of the list views on the season level. They are using the same variables for the artwork. 1

The only other thing i can think of is artwork names and how you have scraped your artwork. When using kodi with artwork beef the season poster is in this listitem $INFO[ListItem.Art(poster)]

For artwork to update with artwork beef you need to have "Add artwork for new videos after library updates" selected in the addon settings.

My TVShow directory looks like this 1

Or do you mean the "*all seasons" item? That one will be the same issue no matter what skin you use.

gibxxi commented 5 years ago


It's OK Mr. V, it's an issue my end. I have 3 systems running Kodi, but a common storage area for some Kodi artwork (the stuff artwork beef downloads), which is then cached to the local devices. One of them (the one I wasn't getting artwork for) was out of sync with the others, or so it seems at this point in time.

AB will add pre-existing artwork every time it runs (usually after startup library scans in my case). If there's a system I haven't powered on in a while, getting all 3 systems "on the same page" for want of a better phrase, can take a while.

Will monitor it going forwards, but at this stage, looks to be a non-issue, so apologies for that.


Dan / Gib.

mistervee commented 5 years ago

@gibxxi Glad you got it sorted

gibxxi commented 5 years ago


Navigational issue with "Add-ons" menu items from home screen / main menu (Music & videos sections):

When navigating into either "Add-ons" sections for music or video (Home menu -> sub-menu) items, the add-on currently highlighted in the "Cover" list view will be background loaded simply by scrolling over that addon's entry in the list.

With some add-ons (like rainymood.com for music) this then presents an infinite loop as attempting to back out of the add-on from it's default of fullscreen mode, goes back to the previous menu, but the add-on launches itself again and it goes back to fullscreen. For the video section, the Youtube add-on will suffice to demonstrate the issue. Before you ask, I did not at any time press the ENTER key.

Also, (unrelated) the on-screen keyboards (both standard & mini-numeric) the left & right arrow keys are replaced by hollow square boxes (UK English Language settings).

Dan / Gib.

mistervee commented 5 years ago


In general, if you open an addon kodi automatically fills the list content from what ever is provided by the addon.

Before i consider troubleshooting, can you check if you have the same issue in Estuary, the default skin. This is always the first thing to check when you are having addon issues like you have mentioned. If it is an issue in other skins it is likely not related to the skin code.

I have seen similar issues with some addons like spotify, if the addon settings do not have the correct username or password.

PLEASE let me know what happens in kodi's default skin.

For the keyboard, a change to the font some time ago broke the icons. I will try to fix that next update.

gibxxi commented 5 years ago


That's just the point Mr. V. I'm not opening the addon. I'm simply scrolling down through the list of addons, and in doing so it's automatically opening the highlighted / selected addon, The "Enter" keystroke also seems to be being sent several layers into the addon itself too, assuming that addon or addons are using list views.

I tested the same functionality in Estuary, and it's not happening there. Neither does it occur in Madnox 1.0. Somehow an "Enter / Return" keystroke is being sent in those sections, and only those sections in the skin.

This happens on all my systems, with Madnox on, so it's not a hardware issue either. The HTPC and laptop, each controlled by a Motorola NYXboard remote control, and the desktop, using a Roccat Isku FX keyboard, so there's no commonality with hardware either.

EDIT: The strange aspect to this is that some of those add-ons get foreground focus, and others are denied it. At no point during scrolling is my finger anywhere near the "Enter" key, nor do I have any custom keystroke mappings defined anywhere in any of my Kodi instances.

Dan / Gib.

mistervee commented 5 years ago


Just installed rainy mood. I am getting the same behavior. For what ever reason it tries to load the addon when you navigate over it.

Will take me some time to work out what is happening.

EDIT: It is to do with the album/song count. I have a hidden container with the folder path. It loads every-time you go into mymusic, hence trying to load the addon.

gibxxi commented 5 years ago


Good find Mr. V. I'm getting the same behaviour with add-ons in the "videos" submenu too. Try scrolling over the YouTube add-on if you have that installed, and see if you get the list of categories automatically appear.

I'll disable rainymood for now.

Dan / Gib.

mistervee commented 4 years ago