mistervee / skin.madnox

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Now playing (home, music viz, fullscreen video) #35

Closed mistervee closed 4 years ago

mistervee commented 5 years ago


What is working is the now playing on the home screen for music and internet streams.

Everything else is broken.

Todo Duplicate settings in skin settings for music fullscreen options Option to disable codec info?

gibxxi commented 5 years ago


The other thing is, I like to see the duration and progress bar, but have absolutely no intress in the other stats. It will always show 32bit 44.1khz no matter if you play mp3or flac right? This is nip picking I know, i also know 99% of the kodi users wanna see this info. I just don't get why, in my opinion it would look cleaner without the tech info and mp3 icon :)

It will show whatever codec properties your (playing) music posesses. So if your library only consists of 320Kbps MP3s, then 44.1KHz, 320Kbps is all it will ever show. FLACs generally use ABR, and can be anywhere up to about 1200Kbps, they can also be 96KHz, 128KHz and / or 24 bit. This information might redundant for your media collection, but not for those of us who have varied codecs / formats.

Not only that, but pretty much every skin i've ever used, usually includes this info in fullscreen mode, for informational purposes. However, if you wish to change what's shown, you can do so from the OSD -> Settings Menu (as with the "Auto Viz" option). Search for the option marked "Music Info", press enter and select an alternative you'd rather see, like "Next", "Tracks", "Description", "None", etc.

Dan / Gib.

gibxxi commented 5 years ago


One thing that is being misreported with regards the above, is that 320Kbps / 44.1KHz MP3s are being reported in the Music Viz screen as "32 bit". It should be showing them as "16 bit". Not sure if this is a Kodi or skin error.

It might be worthwhile copying the settings from the OSD Settings Menu into the "main" skin settings area with regards media playback (audio and video), for redundancy purposes. The OSD Menu is only represented by a gear icon, and only then, when a user has the presence of mind to press [ENTER] while in that screen. This is somewhat hidden / obscure unless you know to look for it.

Obviously, having those settings in the OSD, for "On-the-fly" changes is welcomed, but I can forsee a potential deluge of posts in the forums from users wanting to change options like those Meowmoo mentioned, and expecting to find them in the main skin settings dialogs, when they aren't (at present) there. Maybe a new setting category for "Media View / Playback" is the order of the day here.

Just a thought.

Dan / Gib.

mistervee commented 5 years ago

@meowmoo @gibxxi

The auto open is now fixed. Since embuary helper is now a dependency of the skin, i am using that to control the option. The option is also added to skin settings furniture.

Not sure about the progress bar or if i will make changes atm. I will look at that at a later time.

Makes sense duplicate the options into skin settings, on the todo list. If it is showing the incorrect bitrate that would be a kodi error. You could try to rescrape the song/album to see if the data base updates to the correct value.

gibxxi commented 5 years ago

Makes sense duplicate the options into skin settings, on the todo list. If it is showing the incorrect bitrate that would be a kodi error. You could try to rescrape the song/album to see if the data base updates to the correct value.

That's just it, the album I noticed this on was newly scraped. It's impossible for a 320Kbps / 44.1KHz album to be "32 bit". In fact, the only two used formats for compressed audio are 16 and 24 bit, so where "32 bit" is coming from, god alone knows. MediaInfo is reporting the codec info correctly, so it's not my files, at least I don't think so. More investigation required.

TBH, didn't think it was a skin issue, but thought I'd mention it, just in case.

Dan / Gib.

mistervee commented 4 years ago