mistic100 / jQuery-QueryBuilder

jQuery plugin offering an interface to create complex queries
MIT License
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How to change the input type of the filter control #999

Open mvksages opened 2 months ago

mvksages commented 2 months ago

Could someone help me understand how to change the type of the filter html control. I was able to go through the documentation and able to change the type of the rule input with function. However I want to change SELECT html control to autocomplete input. If its possible could you point me to where to code for changing the type?

Below screenshot shows the work I have done so far. I would like to change the SELECT html control type containing Current Action.DataFOrm into auto complete control. (Reason: The data coming into the filter actually required to be split in two controls, I was unable to do it so I combined the content and made it as one - how it would be hard for user to scroll down to select any specific filter value).


Any example code or event or documentation would be of great help.

mvksages commented 2 months ago

ANy updates or suggestions. I just need to simply change the dropdownlist/SELECT control to any other control I want. I tried looking at documentation it talked about Selectize and bootstrap related plugins. However our project does not use bootstrap so wanted to see if plugin can be configured to control the filter type