mit-acl / cadrl_ros

ROS package for dynamic obstacle avoidance for ground robots trained with deep RL
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from ford_msgs.msg import PedTrajVec, NNActions, PlannerMode, Clusters #12

Closed BingHan0458 closed 3 years ago

BingHan0458 commented 3 years ago

Hey Michael, Firstly, according to the, I replaced 'git clone' with 'git clone -b dev' because I can't find the dev branch and run 'catkin_make'. It successed. Then I tried to run the './', but I got an error 'ImportError: No module named ford_msgs.msg' in line 7, 'from ford_msgs.msg import PedTrajVec, NNActions, PlannerMode, Clusters'. So how can I do to solve the above two problems? Thx. Kind regards.

BingHan0458 commented 3 years ago

And I want to know what is the corresponding python version of ROS? Python2.7 or Python3.X? When I run 'catkin_make', the python version displayed by default is python2.7. Will compilation errors occur later?

mfe7 commented 3 years ago

Great point - i think we merged that branch into master so you did the right thing.

Did you source the setup.bash associated with the catkin workspace containing ford_msgs? can you rosmsg show any of the ford msgs? that would point to whether the issue is with python or ros

That depends on which version of your OS and ROS you have installed -- eg this codebase was developed on a machine with ros-kinetic and ubuntu 16.04, which is designed for python 2.7. I think some of the newer ros versions support python3 but the python code in this repo is designed for python2.7.

HanBing0802 commented 3 years ago

Thank you very much. I tried your suggest 'source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash' and it success! But I got another bug 'Unable to register with master node [http://localhost:11311]: master may not be running yet. Will keep trying.' when I run './'. So how can I do to solve it? Thx. Kind regards.

luorui93 commented 3 years ago

Hi HanBing, You need to have a roscore running first before you run the node. Either from a roslaunch file or run roscore directly.