mit-acl / dpgo

Distributed Pose Graph Optimization
MIT License
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1 FAILED TEST: testDPGO.testRobustSinglePoseAveraging #2

Open adthoms opened 11 months ago

adthoms commented 11 months ago

@yuluntian in extending testStiefelProjection:

to cover an increased number of iterations (say j < 100):

testRobustSinglePoseAveraging fails with the following error:

/home/alex/catkin_ws/src/dpgo/tests/testPGO.cpp:120: Failure
Expected: ((ROpt - RTrue).norm()) <= (RMaxError), actual: 2.77197 vs 0.0282838
[  FAILED  ] testDPGO.testRobustSinglePoseAveraging (2 ms)

Empirically, it seems repeat calls to Matrix::Random() within testStiefelProjection produces this error (replacing Matrix::Random() with Matrix::Identity(), for example, seems to indicate this is the case):

adthoms commented 11 months ago

Alternatively, changing the number of iterations directly within testRobustSinglePoseAveraging to trial < 500, for example:

reproduces the identical error