mit-acl / rmader

Decentralized Multiagent Trajectory Planner Robust to Communication Delay
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Can Rmader replan trajectories when drones are lagging behind the target waypoints? #10

Open Sapio-S opened 4 months ago

Sapio-S commented 4 months ago


I have encountered some challenges when deploying R-mader on real drones. Specifically, I wonder whether R-mader can detect the deviations of the drones from their target waypoints and subsequently adjust the plans.

In my current environment, the drones publish their positions via the rostopic /SQxxs/state, and receive position commands from R-mader through /SQxxs/goal. To eliminate interference from the simulator, I have disabled perfect_controller.

However, the drones sometimes fly slower than R-mader expects and therefore lag behind the target waypoints. In such cases, R-mader seems to disregard the actual drone positions and continues planning trajectories based on its previous commands.

I've attached an image illustrating this issue. In this scenario, three drones are supposed to be flying forward, but the drone in the middle remains stationary at the origin. R-mader, though, supposes all trajectories are completed and continues to plan forward.

Screenshot 2024-06-04 at 20 43 23

What might be wrong in my setup? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.