mit-aera / FlightGoggles

A framework for photorealistic hardware-in-the-loop agile flight simulation using Unity3D and ROS. Developed by MIT AERA group.
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posible to setup init_pose in every reset? #84

Closed jluo-bgl closed 5 years ago

jluo-bgl commented 5 years ago

I see we can setup init pose in drone.yaml, but I'd like to setup this init position every reset so that I don't need to always training started from same position, is it possible? Thanks.

Winter-Guerra commented 5 years ago

Hi @JamesLuoau ,

At the moment, the dynamics node only reads the init_pose ROS parameter once at bootup. For dynamically setting the init pose after every crash, we suggest the following:

Best, -Winter

jluo-bgl commented 5 years ago

Got it, Thank you very much.