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X- and Y-axis labels for Charts #2758

Open ewpatton opened 1 year ago

ewpatton commented 1 year ago

Describe the desired feature

The Chart component does not provide the ability to set the labels of the axes in the chart. I suggest adding XAxisLabel and YAxisLabel properties to the Chart component that will render in the corresponding positions (possibly with the YAxisLabel being rotated 90 degrees so that it doesn't take up too much horizontal space).

Give an example of how this feature would be used

For example, if plotting cases per day of a disease, for example, one might want to label the X axis "Date" and the Y axis "Cases"

Why doesn't the current App Inventor system address this use case?

The currently released Charts feature does not provide X- and Y-axis label functionality.

Why is this feature beneficial to App Inventor's educational mission?

Students performing citizen science projects often need to visualize their data, and proper labeling of figures is an important skill for them to learn.

preetvadaliya commented 1 year ago

@ewpatton can you please tell me which lib is used for chart rendering?

devarsh-mavani-19 commented 1 year ago


@ewpatton can you please tell me which lib is used for chart rendering?

This one I think

arinmodi commented 1 year ago

@ewpatton, MPAndroidChart isn't supporting x-axis and y-axis label. is using textViews for giving label to axis good idea ?