mit-gfx / diffmat

PyTorch-based differentiable material graph library for procedural material capture
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the installation of Substance 3D Automation Tookit #5

Closed HospitableHost closed 3 months ago

HospitableHost commented 7 months ago

Thanks for your good work. It's amazing so I want to follow it. But I have some trouble installing the AS3D or SAT. Is it necessary or optional to install the AS3D and SAT? If it is necessary, how about just install SAT? (AS3D seems not free) How to install SAT? I just can find the installation of Pysbs in ( which seems not related to sbscooker and sbsrender. Thanks for your reply.

Polar1s commented 7 months ago

Hi. Thanks for trying out the library! Either AS3D or SAT will work since DiffMat only uses two executables that ship with the software (sbscooker and sbsrender) to generate input textures externally.

SAT used to be available by subscription before Adobe acquired Substance but it's a different story now. Therefore, simply install AS3D from Adobe Creative Cloud and you should be good. Provide your custom installation path of AS3D if DiffMat has trouble locating the executables.