mit-han-lab / torchquantum

A PyTorch-based framework for Quantum Classical Simulation, Quantum Machine Learning, Quantum Neural Networks, Parameterized Quantum Circuits with support for easy deployments on real quantum computers.
MIT License
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cannot install torchquantum #249

Closed Holmes-Alan closed 3 months ago

Holmes-Alan commented 3 months ago

Hello, I tried to install torchquantum to run the first example code. However, it keeps giving me errors about qiskit. The error comes from "import torchquantum as tq", when I installed qiskit=0.45.1, it gave this error: "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'qiskit_ibm_runtime'", when I Iintalled qiskit_ibm_runtime==0.20.0, it gaves me another error: "cannot import qiskit.provider.backends" Then I tried to install qiskit==1.0, it gave me a new error: "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'sympy.printing.ccode'".

Can you explicitly tell me what version of qiskit, qiskit-ibm-runtime and other related libraries?