mit-han-lab / torchquantum

A PyTorch-based framework for Quantum Classical Simulation, Quantum Machine Learning, Quantum Neural Networks, Parameterized Quantum Circuits with support for easy deployments on real quantum computers.
MIT License
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Train data label and image are different #40

Open manu123416 opened 1 year ago

manu123416 commented 1 year ago

Hi , I tried testing your quantum neural network code on jupyter notebook. I think, there is some bug in the training data.

dataset = MNIST(root='../Data_Manu',
                 train_valid_split_ratio=[0.9, 0.1],
            digits_of_interest=[3, 5],
#             n_train_samples = 75,

data_train= dataset['train'][0]

{'image': tensor([[[-0.4242, -0.4242, -0.4242, -0.4242, -0.4242, -0.4242, -0.4242,
           -0.4242, -0.4242, -0.4242, -0.4242, -0.4242, -0.4242, -0.4242,
           -0.4242, -0.4242, -0.4242, -0.4242, -0.4242, -0.4242, -0.4242,
           -0.4242, -0.4242, -0.4242, -0.4242, -0.4242, -0.4242, -0.4242],
          [-0.4242, -0.4242, -0.4242, -0.4242, -0.4242, -0.4242, -0.4242,
           -0.4242, -0.4242, -0.4242, -0.4242, -0.4242, -0.4242, -0.4242,
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          [-0.4242, -0.4242, -0.4242, -0.4242, -0.4242, -0.4242, -0.4242,
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            2.7960,  2.7960,  2.4524,  1.2050, -0.2715, -0.4242, -0.4242,
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          [-0.4242, -0.4242, -0.4242, -0.4242, -0.4242, -0.4242, -0.4242,
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 'digit': 1}

The tensor matrix contains 5 but the label shows 1?
Hanrui-Wang commented 1 year ago

Hi manu123416,

As shown here: the real digits will be converted to relative digit. This will make it more convenient for cross entropy loss training

Hanrui-Wang commented 1 year ago

For more data, could you try change the n_train_samples = 75 and see whether more data are used in training set?

manu123416 commented 1 year ago

Thank you Hanui-Wang for response. I tested it by putting n_train_samples = 75, but it doesnot increase the data for training and reduces the training data to 1.