Open JustinS6626 opened 1 year ago
Hi DarthMalloc,
The graph attribute is preserved for backward compatibility. The graph is used to record the operations of a module when the static mode of tq.QuantumModule is activated. In the latest simplified implementation, all operations are instead recorded in the op_list of tq.QuantumDevice, instead of using the graph of tq.QuantumModule. So don't worry about the Nonetype of graph.
"Note that the class instantiation happens in a different source file from the one in which the class is defined." which class are you referring to here?
Thanks, I think that partly explains the issue that I am having. Basically what's happening is that the parameters of the QuantumModule that I have written are not getting updated at the optimization stage. After the loss.backward() call has been made, I checked the param.grad attribute for the parameters of my model, and they are all showing as a Nonetype. From what you are saying, it sounds like this might have something to do with the way I am using tq.QuantumDevice. Could that be it? For the class instantiation, the QPTModel class was defined in one source file, but the constructor was called in another. I was wondering if that might have been part of the problem.
Hi DarthMalloc,
import torchquantum as tq
import torchquantum.functional as tqf
qdev = tq.QuantumDevice(n_wires=2, bsz=5, device="cpu", record_op=True) # use device='cuda' for GPU
op = tq.RX(has_params=True, trainable=True, init_params=0.5)
op(qdev, wires=0)
# obtain the expval on a observable
from torchquantum.measurement import expval_joint_analytical
expval = expval_joint_analytical(qdev, 'ZX')
# obtain gradients of expval w.r.t. trainable parameters
Thanks for getting back to me so soon! Basically, if the example above was having the same problem that I have seen with my model, the print(ops.params.grad)
line at the end of the example would print out None
. So basically, my model is standing on its own and is not part of the order of processes.
Thanks for getting back to me so soon! Basically, if the example above was having the same problem that I have seen with my model, the
line at the end of the example would print outNone
. So basically, my model is standing on its own and is not part of the order of processes.
could you provide the script for me to reproduce the bug?
Yes, I will post that soon. Since the code is part of the experiment for my PhD dissertation, I need to ask my supervisor first, but I should have that sorted out shortly.
Here is the code that should reproduce the problem that I have been having. In order to run it, you will need to have the Farama Gymnasium and Minigrid packages installed.
import math
import torch
import torch.optim as optim
from torch.optim.lr_scheduler import CosineAnnealingLR
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import time
import datetime
import calendar
import random
from minigrid.wrappers import *
from gymnasium.wrappers.flatten_observation import FlattenObservation
import logging
from torchtest import assert_vars_change
import torchquantum as tq
import torchquantum.functional as tqf
from torchquantum.measurement import *
import pickle as pkl
import gymnasium as gym
from gymnasium.wrappers.record_video import RecordVideo
from collections import namedtuple, deque
#from gymnasium.wrappers.record_episode_statistics import RecordEpisodeStatistic
import numpy as np
import os
from gymnasium.envs.registration import *
class ReplayMemory(object):
def __init__(self, capacity):
self.capacity = capacity
self.memory = []
self.position = 0
def push(self, *args):
if len(self.memory) < self.capacity:
self.memory[self.position] = Transition(*args)
self.position = (self.position + 1) % self.capacity
def sample(self, batch_size):
return random.sample(self.memory, batch_size)
def output_all(self):
return self.memory
def __len__(self):
return len(self.memory)
Transition = namedtuple('Transition',
('state', 'action', 'reward', 'next_state', 'done'))
class TreeTensorAgent(tq.QuantumModule):
class QLayer(tq.QuantumModule):
def __init__(self):
self.n_wires = 8
self.n_actions = 4
## self.q_device = tq.QuantumDevice(n_wires=self.n_wires)
#self.bias = torch.tensor(np.random.rand(4), requires_grad=True)
self.rz_0_0 = tq.RZ(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.rz_0_1 = tq.RZ(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.ry_0_0 = tq.RY(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.ry_0_1 = tq.RY(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.rz_0_2 = tq.RZ(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.rz_0_3 = tq.RZ(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.rz_1_0 = tq.RZ(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.rz_1_1 = tq.RZ(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.ry_1_0 = tq.RY(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.ry_1_1 = tq.RY(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.rz_1_2 = tq.RZ(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.rz_1_3 = tq.RZ(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.rz_2_0 = tq.RZ(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.rz_2_1 = tq.RZ(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.ry_2_0 = tq.RY(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.ry_2_1 = tq.RY(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.rz_2_2 = tq.RZ(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.rz_2_3 = tq.RZ(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.rz_3_0 = tq.RZ(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.rz_3_1 = tq.RZ(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.ry_3_0 = tq.RY(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.ry_3_1 = tq.RY(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.rz_3_2 = tq.RZ(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.rz_3_3 = tq.RZ(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.rz_4_0 = tq.RZ(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.rz_4_1 = tq.RZ(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.ry_4_0 = tq.RY(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.ry_4_1 = tq.RY(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.rz_4_2 = tq.RZ(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.rz_4_3 = tq.RZ(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.rz_5_0 = tq.RZ(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.rz_5_1 = tq.RZ(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.ry_5_0 = tq.RY(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.ry_5_1 = tq.RY(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.rz_5_2 = tq.RZ(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.rz_5_3 = tq.RZ(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.rz_6_0 = tq.RZ(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.rz_6_1 = tq.RZ(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.ry_6_0 = tq.RY(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.ry_6_1 = tq.RY(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.rz_6_2 = tq.RZ(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.rz_6_3 = tq.RZ(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.cnot = tq.CNOT(has_params=False, trainable=False)
def forward(self, q_device, static_mode, graph):
self.q_device = q_device
#SO4(self.q_device, [self.ry_0_0, self.ry_0_1], [self.rz_0_0, self.rz_0_1, self.rz_0_2, self.rz_0_3], self.cnot, [0, 1], static=static_mode_mode, parent_graph=graph)
#Layer 1 Gate 1 Start
tqf.rz(q_device, wires=0, params=torch.tensor([np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
tqf.rz(q_device, wires=1, params=torch.tensor([np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
tqf.ry(q_device, wires=1, params=torch.tensor([np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
tqf.cnot(q_device, wires=[1, 0], static=static_mode)
self.rz_0_0(q_device, wires=0)
self.rz_0_1(q_device, wires=1)
self.ry_0_0(q_device, wires=0)
self.ry_0_1(q_device, wires=1)
self.rz_0_2(q_device, wires=0)
self.rz_0_3(q_device, wires=1)
tqf.cnot(q_device, wires=[1, 0], static=static_mode)
tqf.ry(q_device, wires=1, params=torch.tensor([-np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
tqf.rz(q_device, wires=0, params=torch.tensor([-np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
tqf.rz(q_device, wires=1, params=torch.tensor([-np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
#Layer 1 Gate 1 End
#SO4(self.q_device, [self.ry_1_0, self.ry_1_1], [self.rz_1_0, self.rz_1_1, self.rz_1_2, self.rz_1_3], self.cnot, [2, 3], static=static_mode_mode, parent_graph=graph)
#Layer 1 Gate 2 Start
tqf.rz(q_device, wires=2, params=torch.tensor([np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
tqf.rz(q_device, wires=3, params=torch.tensor([np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
tqf.ry(q_device, wires=3, params=torch.tensor([np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
tqf.cnot(q_device, wires=[3, 2], static=static_mode)
self.rz_1_0(q_device, wires=2)
self.rz_1_1(q_device, wires=3)
self.ry_1_0(q_device, wires=2)
self.ry_1_1(q_device, wires=3)
self.rz_1_2(q_device, wires=2)
self.rz_1_3(q_device, wires=3)
tqf.cnot(q_device, wires=[3, 2], static=static_mode)
tqf.ry(q_device, wires=3, params=torch.tensor([-np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
tqf.rz(q_device, wires=2, params=torch.tensor([-np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
tqf.rz(q_device, wires=3, params=torch.tensor([-np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
#Layer 1 Gate 2 End
#SO4(self.q_device, [self.ry_2_0, self.ry_2_1], [self.rz_2_0, self.rz_2_1, self.rz_2_2, self.rz_2_3], self.cnot, [4, 5], static=static_mode_mode, parent_graph=graph)
#Layer 1 Gate 3 Start
tqf.rz(q_device, wires=4, params=torch.tensor([np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
tqf.rz(q_device, wires=5, params=torch.tensor([np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
tqf.ry(q_device, wires=5, params=torch.tensor([np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
tqf.cnot(q_device, wires=[5, 4], static=static_mode)
self.rz_2_0(q_device, wires=4)
self.rz_2_1(q_device, wires=5)
self.ry_2_0(q_device, wires=4)
self.ry_2_1(q_device, wires=5)
self.rz_2_2(q_device, wires=4)
self.rz_2_3(q_device, wires=5)
tqf.cnot(q_device, wires=[5, 4], static=static_mode)
tqf.ry(q_device, wires=5, params=torch.tensor([-np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
tqf.rz(q_device, wires=4, params=torch.tensor([-np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
tqf.rz(q_device, wires=5, params=torch.tensor([-np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
#Layer 1 Gate 3 End
#SO4(self.q_device, [self.ry_3_0, self.ry_3_1], [self.rz_3_0, self.rz_3_1, self.rz_3_2, self.rz_3_3], self.cnot, [6, 7], static=static_mode_mode, parent_graph=graph)
#Layer 1 Gate 4 Start
tqf.rz(q_device, wires=6, params=torch.tensor([np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
tqf.rz(q_device, wires=7, params=torch.tensor([np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
tqf.ry(q_device, wires=7, params=torch.tensor([np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
tqf.cnot(q_device, wires=[7, 6], static=static_mode)
self.rz_3_0(q_device, wires=6)
self.rz_3_1(q_device, wires=7)
self.ry_3_0(q_device, wires=6)
self.ry_3_1(q_device, wires=7)
self.rz_3_2(q_device, wires=6)
self.rz_3_3(q_device, wires=7)
tqf.cnot(q_device, wires=[7, 6], static=static_mode)
tqf.ry(q_device, wires=7, params=torch.tensor([-np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
tqf.rz(q_device, wires=6, params=torch.tensor([-np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
tqf.rz(q_device, wires=7, params=torch.tensor([-np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
#Layer 1 Gate 4 End
#SO4(self.q_device, [self.ry_4_0, self.ry_4_1], [self.rz_4_0, self.rz_4_1, self.rz_4_2, self.rz_4_3], self.cnot, [1, 2], static=static_mode_mode, parent_graph=graph)
#Layer 2 Gate 1 Start
tqf.rz(q_device, wires=1, params=torch.tensor([np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
tqf.rz(q_device, wires=2, params=torch.tensor([np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
tqf.ry(q_device, wires=2, params=torch.tensor([np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
tqf.cnot(q_device, wires=[2, 1], static=static_mode)
self.rz_4_0(q_device, wires=1)
self.rz_4_1(q_device, wires=2)
self.ry_4_0(q_device, wires=1)
self.ry_4_1(q_device, wires=2)
self.rz_4_2(q_device, wires=1)
self.rz_4_3(q_device, wires=2)
tqf.cnot(q_device, wires=[2, 1], static=static_mode)
tqf.ry(q_device, wires=2, params=torch.tensor([-np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
tqf.rz(q_device, wires=1, params=torch.tensor([-np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
tqf.rz(q_device, wires=2, params=torch.tensor([-np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
#Layer 2 Gate 1 End
#SO4(self.q_device, [self.ry_5_0, self.ry_5_1], [self.rz_5_0, self.rz_5_1, self.rz_5_2, self.rz_5_3], self.cnot, [5, 6], static=static_mode_mode, parent_graph=graph)
#Layer 2 Gate 2 Start
tqf.rz(q_device, wires=5, params=torch.tensor([np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
tqf.rz(q_device, wires=6, params=torch.tensor([np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
tqf.ry(q_device, wires=6, params=torch.tensor([np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
tqf.cnot(q_device, wires=[6, 5], static=static_mode)
self.rz_5_0(q_device, wires=5)
self.rz_5_1(q_device, wires=6)
self.ry_5_0(q_device, wires=5)
self.ry_5_1(q_device, wires=6)
self.rz_5_2(q_device, wires=5)
self.rz_5_3(q_device, wires=6)
tqf.cnot(q_device, wires=[6, 5], static=static_mode)
tqf.ry(q_device, wires=6, params=torch.tensor([-np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
tqf.rz(q_device, wires=5, params=torch.tensor([-np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
tqf.rz(q_device, wires=6, params=torch.tensor([-np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
#Layer 2 Gate 2 End
#SO4(self.q_device, [self.ry_6_0, self.ry_6_1], [self.rz_6_0, self.rz_6_1, self.rz_6_2, self.rz_6_3], self.cnot, [2, 5], static=static_mode_mode, parent_graph=graph)
#Layer 3 Gate 1 Start
tqf.rz(q_device, wires=2, params=torch.tensor([np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
tqf.rz(q_device, wires=5, params=torch.tensor([np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
tqf.ry(q_device, wires=5, params=torch.tensor([np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
tqf.cnot(q_device, wires=[5, 2], static=static_mode)
self.rz_6_0(q_device, wires=0)
self.rz_6_1(q_device, wires=1)
self.ry_6_0(q_device, wires=0)
self.ry_6_1(q_device, wires=1)
self.rz_6_2(q_device, wires=0)
self.rz_6_3(q_device, wires=1)
tqf.cnot(q_device, wires=[5, 2], static=static_mode, parent_graph=graph)
tqf.ry(q_device, wires=5, params=torch.tensor([-np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
tqf.rz(q_device, wires=2, params=torch.tensor([-np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
tqf.rz(q_device, wires=5, params=torch.tensor([-np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
#Layer 3 Gate 1 End
def __init__(self, input_size):
self.n_wires = 8
self.n_actions = 4
self.input_size = input_size
self.q_layer = self.QLayer()
self.smx = nn.Softmax()
self.q_device = tq.QuantumDevice(n_wires=self.n_wires)
self.layer_1 = nn.Linear(1, 64)
self.layer_2 = nn.ReLU()
self.layer_3 = nn.Conv1d(self.input_size, 64, kernel_size=2, stride=2)
self.layer_4 = nn.ReLU()
self.layer_5 = nn.Conv1d(64, 1, kernel_size=2, stride=2)
self.layer_6 = nn.Tanh()
[{"input_idx" : [0], "func" : "ry", "wires" : [0]},
{"input_idx" : [1], "func" : "ry", "wires" : [1]},
{"input_idx" : [2], "func" : "ry", "wires" : [2]},
{"input_idx" : [3], "func" : "ry", "wires" : [3]},
{"input_idx" : [4], "func" : "ry", "wires" : [4]},
{"input_idx" : [5], "func" : "ry", "wires" : [5]},
{"input_idx" : [6], "func" : "ry", "wires" : [6]},
{"input_idx" : [7], "func" : "ry", "wires" : [7]},
{"input_idx" : [8], "func" : "ry", "wires" : [0]},
{"input_idx" : [9], "func" : "ry", "wires" : [1]},
{"input_idx" : [10], "func" : "ry", "wires" : [2]},
{"input_idx" : [11], "func" : "ry", "wires" : [3]},
{"input_idx" : [12], "func" : "ry", "wires" : [4]},
{"input_idx" : [13], "func" : "ry", "wires" : [5]},
{"input_idx" : [14], "func" : "ry", "wires" : [6]},
{"input_idx" : [15], "func" : "ry", "wires" : [7]}])
## def get_angles_atan(self, in_x):
## angles = torch.stack([torch.stack([torch.atan(item), torch.atan(item**2)]) for item in in_x])
## return angles
def forward(self, input_data, check=False):
x_1 = self.layer_1(input_data)
x_2 = self.layer_2(x_1)
x_3 = self.layer_3(x_2)
x_4 = self.layer_4(x_3)
x_5 = self.layer_5(x_4)
x_6 = self.layer_6(x_5)
x_angles = torch.atan(x_6)
for i in range(self.n_wires):
tqf.hadamard(self.q_device, wires=i, static=self.static_mode, parent_graph=self.graph)
self.encoder(self.q_device, x_angles)
self.q_layer.forward(self.q_device, self.static_mode, self.graph)
obs_1 = expval_joint_analytical(self.q_device, "ZZZZZZZZ")
obs_2 = expval_joint_analytical(self.q_device, "ZZZYZZZZ")
obs_3 = expval_joint_analytical(self.q_device, "ZZZZYZZZ")
obs_4 = expval_joint_analytical(self.q_device, "ZZZYYZZZ")
expectations = torch.stack([obs_1, obs_2, obs_3, obs_4], dim=1)
measure_weights = self.smx(expectations)
measure_weights = measure_weights.view(4)
return measure_weights
def square_loss(labels, predictions):
loss = 0
for l, p in zip(labels, predictions):
loss = loss + ((l - p) ** 2)
loss = loss / len(labels)
return loss
def epsilon_greedy(TreeTensor, epsilon, s, n_actions, check=False, train=False):
if train or np.random.rand() < (1 - epsilon):
with torch.no_grad():
measurements = TreeTensor(s, check=check)
action = torch.argmax(measurements)
return action
if check:
print("Argmax result: " + str(action))
choices = np.random.randint(0, n_actions, size=25)
action = np.bincount(choices).argmax()
action = torch.tensor(action)
return action
def cost(model, features, labels, dev):
loss_func = nn.SmoothL1Loss()
predictions = [model(item.state)[item.action] for item in features]
loss_total = loss_func(torch.tensor(labels, requires_grad=True, device=dev), torch.tensor(predictions, requires_grad=True, device=dev))
return loss_total
def ttn_train(env_name, model, alpha, gamma, epsilon, episodes, max_steps, n_actions, top_dev, opt, sched, render=True):
act_range = [0, 1, 2, 6]
logging.basicConfig(filename="ExperimentDebug1.txt", level=logging.DEBUG)
scores = []
target_update = 20
batch_size = 5
optimize_steps = 5
target_update_counter = 0
iter_index = []
iter_reward = []
iter_total_steps = []
cost_list = []
timestep_reward = []
memory = ReplayMemory(80)
seedVal = int(time.time())
env = gym.make(env_name, render_mode="human")
env_record = RecordVideo(env, f"video/TTNMinigridTraining")
start_state = None
for episode in range(episodes):
print("Episode: " + str(episode))
t = 0
total_reward = 0
done = False
seedVal = int(time.time())
if episode == 0:
start_state = env_record.env.grid
env_record.env.grid = start_state
if render:
observation = env_record.env.gen_obs()
observation = torch.tensor(observation['image']).type('torch.FloatTensor').view(147, 1).to(top_dev)
print("Observation shape: " + str(observation.shape))
observation.requires_grad = True
act = epsilon_greedy(model, epsilon, observation, n_actions, check=False)
action = act_range[act]
while t < max_steps:
print("Episode: " + str(episode) + " , " + "Timestep: " + str(t))
if render:
t += 1
target_update_counter += 1
seedVal = int(time.time())
next_obs, reward, done, _, info = env_record.step(action)
next_obs = torch.tensor(next_obs['image']).type('torch.FloatTensor').view(147, 1).to(top_dev)
next_obs.requires_grad = True
total_reward += reward
act_ = epsilon_greedy(model, epsilon, next_obs, n_actions, check=True)
action_ = act_range[act_]
memory.push(observation, act, reward, next_obs, done)
if len(memory) > batch_size:
batch_sampled = memory.sample(batch_size)
Qtarget = [item.reward + (1 - int(item.done)) * gamma * torch.max(model(item.next_state)) for item in batch_sampled]
loss = cost(model, batch_sampled, Qtarget, top_dev)
for param in model.parameters():
print("Parameter gradient: " + str(param.grad))
current_replay_memory = memory.output_all()
current_target_for_replay_memory = [item.reward + (1 - int(item.done)) * gamma * epsilon_greedy(model, epsilon, item.next_state, n_actions) for item in current_replay_memory]
if target_update_counter >= target_update:
target_update_counter = 0
observation, action = next_obs, action_
if done:
epsilon = epsilon / ((episode / 1000) + 1)
break, param_file1), param_file2)
return timestep_reward, iter_index, iter_reward, iter_total_steps
def main():
env_name = "MiniGrid-Empty-8x8-v0"
use_cuda = torch.cuda.is_available()
device = torch.device("cuda" if use_cuda else "cpu")
alpha = 0.4
gamma = 0.999
epsilon = 1
episodes = 1000
max_steps = 100
n_actions = 4
seed = 42
model = TreeTensorAgent(147).to(device)
tn_opt = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=5e-3, weight_decay=1e-4)
scheduler = CosineAnnealingLR(tn_opt, T_max=episodes)
timestep_reward, iter_index, iter_reward, iter_total_steps = ttn_train(env_name, model, alpha, gamma, epsilon, episodes, max_steps, n_actions, device, tn_opt, scheduler)
x_vals = np.arange(episodes)
y_vals = np.asarray(timestep_reward)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(x_vals, y_vals)
ax.set(xlabel="Episode", ylabel="Total Score", title="Deep Quantum TTN Learning Training Process: 6-Site Random Lava Minigrid")
if __name__ == "__main__":
Hi DarthMalloc,
could you try adding loss.backward()
between opt.zero_grad()
and opt.step()
Thanks for getting back to me! Sorry about the type in my upload. loss.backward()
is actually included in that spot in the original file, but somehow it did not get copied into the code that I posted on Monday.
The problem is that the parameters of the model have no gradient even after loss.backward()
is called.
Hi DarthMalloc,
Please find the code below that can obtain the gradient correctly, I modified several parts which may not reflect your initial meaning of the model.
There are two major issues:
def cost(model, features, labels, dev):
loss_func = nn.SmoothL1Loss()
predictions = [model(item.state)[item.action] for item in features]
# loss_total = loss_func(torch.tensor(labels, requires_grad=True, device=dev), torch.tensor(predictions, requires_grad=True, device=dev))
loss_total = loss_func(torch.stack(labels), torch.stack(predictions))
return loss_total
Here is the full modified code:
import math
import torch
import torch.optim as optim
from torch.optim.lr_scheduler import CosineAnnealingLR
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import time
import datetime
import calendar
import random
from minigrid.wrappers import *
import logging
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import torchquantum as tq
import torchquantum.functional as tqf
from torchquantum.measurement import *
import pickle as pkl
import gymnasium as gym
from gymnasium.wrappers.record_video import RecordVideo
from collections import namedtuple, deque
#from gymnasium.wrappers.record_episode_statistics import RecordEpisodeStatistic
import numpy as np
import os
from gymnasium.envs.registration import *
import os
os.environ["SDL_VIDEODRIVER"] = "dummy"
class ReplayMemory(object):
def __init__(self, capacity):
self.capacity = capacity
self.memory = []
self.position = 0
def push(self, *args):
if len(self.memory) < self.capacity:
self.memory[self.position] = Transition(*args)
self.position = (self.position + 1) % self.capacity
def sample(self, batch_size):
return random.sample(self.memory, batch_size)
def output_all(self):
return self.memory
def __len__(self):
return len(self.memory)
Transition = namedtuple('Transition',
('state', 'action', 'reward', 'next_state', 'done'))
class TreeTensorAgent(tq.QuantumModule):
class QLayer(tq.QuantumModule):
def __init__(self):
self.n_wires = 8
self.n_actions = 4
## self.q_device = tq.QuantumDevice(n_wires=self.n_wires)
#self.bias = torch.tensor(np.random.rand(4), requires_grad=True)
self.rz_0_0 = tq.RZ(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.rz_0_1 = tq.RZ(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.ry_0_0 = tq.RY(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.ry_0_1 = tq.RY(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.rz_0_2 = tq.RZ(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.rz_0_3 = tq.RZ(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.rz_1_0 = tq.RZ(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.rz_1_1 = tq.RZ(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.ry_1_0 = tq.RY(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.ry_1_1 = tq.RY(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.rz_1_2 = tq.RZ(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.rz_1_3 = tq.RZ(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.rz_2_0 = tq.RZ(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.rz_2_1 = tq.RZ(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.ry_2_0 = tq.RY(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.ry_2_1 = tq.RY(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.rz_2_2 = tq.RZ(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.rz_2_3 = tq.RZ(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.rz_3_0 = tq.RZ(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.rz_3_1 = tq.RZ(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.ry_3_0 = tq.RY(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.ry_3_1 = tq.RY(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.rz_3_2 = tq.RZ(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.rz_3_3 = tq.RZ(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.rz_4_0 = tq.RZ(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.rz_4_1 = tq.RZ(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.ry_4_0 = tq.RY(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.ry_4_1 = tq.RY(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.rz_4_2 = tq.RZ(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.rz_4_3 = tq.RZ(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.rz_5_0 = tq.RZ(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.rz_5_1 = tq.RZ(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.ry_5_0 = tq.RY(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.ry_5_1 = tq.RY(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.rz_5_2 = tq.RZ(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.rz_5_3 = tq.RZ(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.rz_6_0 = tq.RZ(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.rz_6_1 = tq.RZ(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.ry_6_0 = tq.RY(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.ry_6_1 = tq.RY(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.rz_6_2 = tq.RZ(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.rz_6_3 = tq.RZ(has_params=True, trainable=True)
self.cnot = tq.CNOT(has_params=False, trainable=False)
def forward(self, q_device, static_mode, graph):
# self.q_device = q_device
#SO4(self.q_device, [self.ry_0_0, self.ry_0_1], [self.rz_0_0, self.rz_0_1, self.rz_0_2, self.rz_0_3], self.cnot, [0, 1], static=static_mode_mode, parent_graph=graph)
#Layer 1 Gate 1 Start
tqf.rz(q_device, wires=0, params=torch.tensor([np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
tqf.rz(q_device, wires=1, params=torch.tensor([np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
tqf.ry(q_device, wires=1, params=torch.tensor([np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
tqf.cnot(q_device, wires=[1, 0], static=static_mode)
self.rz_0_0(q_device, wires=0)
self.rz_0_1(q_device, wires=1)
self.ry_0_0(q_device, wires=0)
self.ry_0_1(q_device, wires=1)
self.rz_0_2(q_device, wires=0)
self.rz_0_3(q_device, wires=1)
tqf.cnot(q_device, wires=[1, 0], static=static_mode)
tqf.ry(q_device, wires=1, params=torch.tensor([-np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
tqf.rz(q_device, wires=0, params=torch.tensor([-np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
tqf.rz(q_device, wires=1, params=torch.tensor([-np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
#Layer 1 Gate 1 End
#SO4(self.q_device, [self.ry_1_0, self.ry_1_1], [self.rz_1_0, self.rz_1_1, self.rz_1_2, self.rz_1_3], self.cnot, [2, 3], static=static_mode_mode, parent_graph=graph)
#Layer 1 Gate 2 Start
tqf.rz(q_device, wires=2, params=torch.tensor([np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
tqf.rz(q_device, wires=3, params=torch.tensor([np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
tqf.ry(q_device, wires=3, params=torch.tensor([np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
tqf.cnot(q_device, wires=[3, 2], static=static_mode)
self.rz_1_0(q_device, wires=2)
self.rz_1_1(q_device, wires=3)
self.ry_1_0(q_device, wires=2)
self.ry_1_1(q_device, wires=3)
self.rz_1_2(q_device, wires=2)
self.rz_1_3(q_device, wires=3)
tqf.cnot(q_device, wires=[3, 2], static=static_mode)
tqf.ry(q_device, wires=3, params=torch.tensor([-np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
tqf.rz(q_device, wires=2, params=torch.tensor([-np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
tqf.rz(q_device, wires=3, params=torch.tensor([-np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
#Layer 1 Gate 2 End
#SO4(self.q_device, [self.ry_2_0, self.ry_2_1], [self.rz_2_0, self.rz_2_1, self.rz_2_2, self.rz_2_3], self.cnot, [4, 5], static=static_mode_mode, parent_graph=graph)
#Layer 1 Gate 3 Start
tqf.rz(q_device, wires=4, params=torch.tensor([np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
tqf.rz(q_device, wires=5, params=torch.tensor([np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
tqf.ry(q_device, wires=5, params=torch.tensor([np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
tqf.cnot(q_device, wires=[5, 4], static=static_mode)
self.rz_2_0(q_device, wires=4)
self.rz_2_1(q_device, wires=5)
self.ry_2_0(q_device, wires=4)
self.ry_2_1(q_device, wires=5)
self.rz_2_2(q_device, wires=4)
self.rz_2_3(q_device, wires=5)
tqf.cnot(q_device, wires=[5, 4], static=static_mode)
tqf.ry(q_device, wires=5, params=torch.tensor([-np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
tqf.rz(q_device, wires=4, params=torch.tensor([-np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
tqf.rz(q_device, wires=5, params=torch.tensor([-np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
#Layer 1 Gate 3 End
#SO4(self.q_device, [self.ry_3_0, self.ry_3_1], [self.rz_3_0, self.rz_3_1, self.rz_3_2, self.rz_3_3], self.cnot, [6, 7], static=static_mode_mode, parent_graph=graph)
#Layer 1 Gate 4 Start
tqf.rz(q_device, wires=6, params=torch.tensor([np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
tqf.rz(q_device, wires=7, params=torch.tensor([np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
tqf.ry(q_device, wires=7, params=torch.tensor([np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
tqf.cnot(q_device, wires=[7, 6], static=static_mode)
self.rz_3_0(q_device, wires=6)
self.rz_3_1(q_device, wires=7)
self.ry_3_0(q_device, wires=6)
self.ry_3_1(q_device, wires=7)
self.rz_3_2(q_device, wires=6)
self.rz_3_3(q_device, wires=7)
tqf.cnot(q_device, wires=[7, 6], static=static_mode)
tqf.ry(q_device, wires=7, params=torch.tensor([-np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
tqf.rz(q_device, wires=6, params=torch.tensor([-np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
tqf.rz(q_device, wires=7, params=torch.tensor([-np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
#Layer 1 Gate 4 End
#SO4(self.q_device, [self.ry_4_0, self.ry_4_1], [self.rz_4_0, self.rz_4_1, self.rz_4_2, self.rz_4_3], self.cnot, [1, 2], static=static_mode_mode, parent_graph=graph)
#Layer 2 Gate 1 Start
tqf.rz(q_device, wires=1, params=torch.tensor([np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
tqf.rz(q_device, wires=2, params=torch.tensor([np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
tqf.ry(q_device, wires=2, params=torch.tensor([np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
tqf.cnot(q_device, wires=[2, 1], static=static_mode)
self.rz_4_0(q_device, wires=1)
self.rz_4_1(q_device, wires=2)
self.ry_4_0(q_device, wires=1)
self.ry_4_1(q_device, wires=2)
self.rz_4_2(q_device, wires=1)
self.rz_4_3(q_device, wires=2)
tqf.cnot(q_device, wires=[2, 1], static=static_mode)
tqf.ry(q_device, wires=2, params=torch.tensor([-np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
tqf.rz(q_device, wires=1, params=torch.tensor([-np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
tqf.rz(q_device, wires=2, params=torch.tensor([-np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
#Layer 2 Gate 1 End
#SO4(self.q_device, [self.ry_5_0, self.ry_5_1], [self.rz_5_0, self.rz_5_1, self.rz_5_2, self.rz_5_3], self.cnot, [5, 6], static=static_mode_mode, parent_graph=graph)
#Layer 2 Gate 2 Start
tqf.rz(q_device, wires=5, params=torch.tensor([np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
tqf.rz(q_device, wires=6, params=torch.tensor([np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
tqf.ry(q_device, wires=6, params=torch.tensor([np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
tqf.cnot(q_device, wires=[6, 5], static=static_mode)
self.rz_5_0(q_device, wires=5)
self.rz_5_1(q_device, wires=6)
self.ry_5_0(q_device, wires=5)
self.ry_5_1(q_device, wires=6)
self.rz_5_2(q_device, wires=5)
self.rz_5_3(q_device, wires=6)
tqf.cnot(q_device, wires=[6, 5], static=static_mode)
tqf.ry(q_device, wires=6, params=torch.tensor([-np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
tqf.rz(q_device, wires=5, params=torch.tensor([-np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
tqf.rz(q_device, wires=6, params=torch.tensor([-np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
#Layer 2 Gate 2 End
#SO4(self.q_device, [self.ry_6_0, self.ry_6_1], [self.rz_6_0, self.rz_6_1, self.rz_6_2, self.rz_6_3], self.cnot, [2, 5], static=static_mode_mode, parent_graph=graph)
#Layer 3 Gate 1 Start
tqf.rz(q_device, wires=2, params=torch.tensor([np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
tqf.rz(q_device, wires=5, params=torch.tensor([np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
tqf.ry(q_device, wires=5, params=torch.tensor([np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
tqf.cnot(q_device, wires=[5, 2], static=static_mode)
self.rz_6_0(q_device, wires=0)
self.rz_6_1(q_device, wires=1)
self.ry_6_0(q_device, wires=0)
self.ry_6_1(q_device, wires=1)
self.rz_6_2(q_device, wires=0)
self.rz_6_3(q_device, wires=1)
tqf.cnot(q_device, wires=[5, 2], static=static_mode, parent_graph=graph)
tqf.ry(q_device, wires=5, params=torch.tensor([-np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
tqf.rz(q_device, wires=2, params=torch.tensor([-np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
tqf.rz(q_device, wires=5, params=torch.tensor([-np.pi / 2]), static=static_mode)
#Layer 3 Gate 1 End
def __init__(self, input_size):
self.n_wires = 8
self.n_actions = 4
self.input_size = input_size
self.q_layer = self.QLayer()
self.smx = nn.Softmax()
# self.q_device = tq.QuantumDevice(n_wires=self.n_wires)
self.layer_1 = nn.Linear(1, 64)
self.layer_2 = nn.ReLU()
self.layer_3 = nn.Conv1d(self.input_size, 64, kernel_size=2, stride=2)
self.layer_4 = nn.ReLU()
self.layer_5 = nn.Conv1d(64, 1, kernel_size=2, stride=2)
self.layer_6 = nn.Tanh()
[{"input_idx" : [0], "func" : "ry", "wires" : [0]},
{"input_idx" : [1], "func" : "ry", "wires" : [1]},
{"input_idx" : [2], "func" : "ry", "wires" : [2]},
{"input_idx" : [3], "func" : "ry", "wires" : [3]},
{"input_idx" : [4], "func" : "ry", "wires" : [4]},
{"input_idx" : [5], "func" : "ry", "wires" : [5]},
{"input_idx" : [6], "func" : "ry", "wires" : [6]},
{"input_idx" : [7], "func" : "ry", "wires" : [7]},
{"input_idx" : [8], "func" : "ry", "wires" : [0]},
{"input_idx" : [9], "func" : "ry", "wires" : [1]},
{"input_idx" : [10], "func" : "ry", "wires" : [2]},
{"input_idx" : [11], "func" : "ry", "wires" : [3]},
{"input_idx" : [12], "func" : "ry", "wires" : [4]},
{"input_idx" : [13], "func" : "ry", "wires" : [5]},
{"input_idx" : [14], "func" : "ry", "wires" : [6]},
{"input_idx" : [15], "func" : "ry", "wires" : [7]}])
## def get_angles_atan(self, in_x):
## angles = torch.stack([torch.stack([torch.atan(item), torch.atan(item**2)]) for item in in_x])
## return angles
def forward(self, input_data, check=False):
qdev = tq.QuantumDevice(n_wires=self.n_wires, bsz=input_data.shape[0], device=input_data.device)
x_1 = self.layer_1(input_data)
x_2 = self.layer_2(x_1)
x_3 = self.layer_3(x_2)
x_4 = self.layer_4(x_3)
x_5 = self.layer_5(x_4)
x_6 = self.layer_6(x_5)
x_angles = torch.atan(x_6)
for i in range(self.n_wires):
tqf.hadamard(qdev, wires=i, static=self.static_mode, parent_graph=self.graph)
self.encoder(qdev, x_angles)
self.q_layer(qdev, self.static_mode, self.graph)
obs_1 = expval_joint_analytical(qdev, "ZZZZZZZZ")
obs_2 = expval_joint_analytical(qdev, "ZZZYZZZZ")
obs_3 = expval_joint_analytical(qdev, "ZZZZYZZZ")
obs_4 = expval_joint_analytical(qdev, "ZZZYYZZZ")
expectations = torch.stack([obs_1, obs_2, obs_3, obs_4], dim=1)
measure_weights = self.smx(expectations)
measure_weights = measure_weights.mean(-1)
return measure_weights
def square_loss(labels, predictions):
loss = 0
for l, p in zip(labels, predictions):
loss = loss + ((l - p) ** 2)
loss = loss / len(labels)
return loss
def epsilon_greedy(TreeTensor, epsilon, s, n_actions, check=False, train=False):
if train or np.random.rand() < (1 - epsilon):
with torch.no_grad():
measurements = TreeTensor(s, check=check)
action = torch.argmax(measurements)
return action
if check:
print("Argmax result: " + str(action))
choices = np.random.randint(0, n_actions, size=25)
action = np.bincount(choices).argmax()
action = torch.tensor(action)
return action
def cost(model, features, labels, dev):
loss_func = nn.SmoothL1Loss()
predictions = [model(item.state)[item.action] for item in features]
# loss_total = loss_func(torch.tensor(labels, requires_grad=True, device=dev), torch.tensor(predictions, requires_grad=True, device=dev))
loss_total = loss_func(torch.stack(labels), torch.stack(predictions))
return loss_total
def ttn_train(env_name, model, alpha, gamma, epsilon, episodes, max_steps, n_actions, top_dev, opt, sched, render=True):
act_range = [0, 1, 2, 6]
logging.basicConfig(filename="ExperimentDebug1.txt", level=logging.DEBUG)
scores = []
target_update = 20
batch_size = 5
optimize_steps = 5
target_update_counter = 0
iter_index = []
iter_reward = []
iter_total_steps = []
cost_list = []
timestep_reward = []
memory = ReplayMemory(80)
seedVal = int(time.time())
env = gym.make(env_name, render_mode="human")
env_record = RecordVideo(env, f"video/TTNMinigridTraining")
start_state = None
for episode in range(episodes):
print("Episode: " + str(episode))
t = 0
total_reward = 0
done = False
seedVal = int(time.time())
if episode == 0:
start_state = env_record.env.grid
env_record.env.grid = start_state
if render:
observation = env_record.env.gen_obs()
observation = torch.tensor(observation['image']).type('torch.FloatTensor').view(147, 1).to(top_dev)
print("Observation shape: " + str(observation.shape))
observation.requires_grad = True
act = epsilon_greedy(model, epsilon, observation, n_actions, check=False)
action = act_range[act]
while t < max_steps:
print("Episode: " + str(episode) + " , " + "Timestep: " + str(t))
if render:
t += 1
target_update_counter += 1
seedVal = int(time.time())
next_obs, reward, done, _, info = env_record.step(action)
next_obs = torch.tensor(next_obs['image']).type('torch.FloatTensor').view(147, 1).to(top_dev)
next_obs.requires_grad = True
total_reward += reward
act_ = epsilon_greedy(model, epsilon, next_obs, n_actions, check=True)
action_ = act_range[act_]
memory.push(observation, act, reward, next_obs, done)
if len(memory) > batch_size:
batch_sampled = memory.sample(batch_size)
Qtarget = []
Qtarget = [item.reward + (1 - int(item.done)) * gamma * torch.max(model(item.next_state).flatten()) for item in batch_sampled]
loss = cost(model, batch_sampled, Qtarget, top_dev)
# for param in model.parameters():
# print("Parameter gradient: " + str(param.grad))
for name, param in model.named_parameters():
print(f"Parameter {name} gradient: " + str(param.grad))
current_replay_memory = memory.output_all()
current_target_for_replay_memory = [item.reward + (1 - int(item.done)) * gamma * epsilon_greedy(model, epsilon, item.next_state, n_actions) for item in current_replay_memory]
if target_update_counter >= target_update:
target_update_counter = 0
observation, action = next_obs, action_
if done:
epsilon = epsilon / ((episode / 1000) + 1)
break, param_file1), param_file2)
return timestep_reward, iter_index, iter_reward, iter_total_steps
def main():
env_name = "MiniGrid-Empty-8x8-v0"
use_cuda = torch.cuda.is_available()
device = torch.device("cuda" if use_cuda else "cpu")
alpha = 0.4
gamma = 0.999
epsilon = 1
episodes = 1000
max_steps = 100
n_actions = 4
seed = 42
model = TreeTensorAgent(147).to(device)
tn_opt = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=5e-3, weight_decay=1e-4)
scheduler = CosineAnnealingLR(tn_opt, T_max=episodes)
timestep_reward, iter_index, iter_reward, iter_total_steps = ttn_train(env_name, model, alpha, gamma, epsilon, episodes, max_steps, n_actions, device, tn_opt, scheduler)
x_vals = np.arange(episodes)
y_vals = np.asarray(timestep_reward)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(x_vals, y_vals)
ax.set(xlabel="Episode", ylabel="Total Score", title="Deep Quantum TTN Learning Training Process: 6-Site Random Lava Minigrid")
if __name__ == "__main__":
Sorry about the delay. Thank you so much for your help! The problem seems to be resolved now.
I have written a QuantumModule with the following properties, showing only the constructor:
If I create an instance of this model through
model = QPTModel(100)
and I print out the attribute model.graph, I get an output of None.
I am not sure if this is supposed to be the default after the model when the class is first instantiated, but if not, I am wondering how to fix it. In this class, aside from the single numerical values, every attribute and function call is part of either torchquantum or standard Pytorch, so there is nothing that should interfere with normal Pytorch functionality. Note that the class instantiation happens in a different source file from the one in which the class is defined. Could that be a problem?