mit-jp / mit-climate-data-viz

Plotting climate data for the MIT Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change
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save github builds and deploy them to server #243

Closed cypressf closed 2 years ago

cypressf commented 2 years ago

The problem

Deploys take a long time, and are complex, because we always build from scratch on svante.

The solution

I'm already building the frontend and the backend in github actions on merge to main. Zip those builds and save them as releases in github. Download and unzip a build on svante to deploy.

Note: we'll need to also bundle the sql migrations with the backend build, so we can run sql migrations on svante.

cypressf commented 2 years ago

I can use the upload-artifact github action to upload the build outputs for frontend and backend.

cypressf commented 2 years ago

It successfully uploaded frontend, backend, and backend sql migrations:

you can see the artifacts at the bottom of that page. frontend contains minified html + css. backend contains a binary webservice, and the sqlx migrations files.

cypressf commented 2 years ago

github artifacts don't last forever, and I'm unsure if there's a convention for their url, so it might be best to scp the artifacts to svante after building them. I could use something like this scp-files-action when anything is pushed or merged to main.

After that, I could ssh into svante and run a command to restart the pod, pointing it to the latest artifact

cypressf commented 2 years ago

@mjbludwig what do you think of automatically uploading artifacts from github to svante via scp when I merge to main? I can store an ssh key for svante3 and svante4 in github secrets, then automatically copy the artifacts to svante3 whenever I PR a branch, and copy artifacts to svante4 when I merge something to main.

cypressf commented 2 years ago

after that, we need a way to swap out the old backend with the new one, and the old frontend with the new one. I was thinking each artifact could get put in a folder named after its git hash, then when we restart the container on svante, we could give it a folder name to launch from, and it runs the backend executable, and serves the frontend html from that folder.

cypressf commented 2 years ago

We might be able to store artifacts as github packages, for example, in their container registry as an OCI container.

mjbludwig commented 2 years ago

Very interesting! I will have to read up a bit more but this would serve as a nice CI/CD system

I think first on the docket should be moving the build system to github so the containers no longer need to be rebuilt each time.

cypressf commented 2 years ago

great! it's already moved to github (it builds every time I merge to the main branch)

cypressf commented 2 years ago

@mjbludwig if you want to change the scripts, here's how the artifacts look:

frontend has all the html and other static assets backend contains a migrations folder with all the sql files that sqlx runs on. it also contains an executable at target/release/climate_risk_map.

How's this sound?

frontend container

backend container

mjbludwig commented 2 years ago

Yeah that sounds so much cleaner than the current setup. I will work on reformatting the podman bits/scripts for this new workflow.

cypressf commented 2 years ago

I'm unsure how this would work when I upload a new backend. Would I be able to execute a command to stop running the previous backend, run the database migrations on the new one, and run the new backend?

cypressf commented 2 years ago

I'm going to try to scp the artifact to svante3 when a PR is merged.

I can make a deploy action that only occurs on push to main via this conditional:

cypressf commented 2 years ago

I'm having trouble scp-ing the files. I keep getting Permission denied even though I believe I'm storing the correct secret in this repo. @mjbludwig could you help me troubleshoot?

mjbludwig commented 2 years ago

Can you meet at 3?

cypressf commented 2 years ago

Yeah! See you then

cypressf commented 2 years ago

@mjbludwig and I figured out what was going wrong with the scp action. I will push a fixed version of it. I'll scp to svante3 when a PR is submitted, and scp to svante4 when it's merged to main.

The copied file path will be ~/builds/{git hash} and it will contain the frontend and backend artifacts for that build.

Morgan will change the containers:

At first, to deploy, I will manually change the symlink to the latest frontend and backend, and restart the backend container. Next, I will add that step to the github actions, so that it will auto-redeploy to our production server when changes merge to main, and auto-deploy to our development server when changes are PR'd.

cypressf commented 2 years ago

I've started working on copying over builds to server. The last attempt hung on the scp step for some reason ( and I had to cancel it because it's the end of the workday and I didn't want to get charged for github overages. This happened after I noticed the backend artifact ( somehow inflated to 2.44 GB, so I'm doing something wrong....

cypressf commented 2 years ago

Okay, going back to working on this, I'm going to debug exactly what it's including in the tar to make it so big.

cypressf commented 2 years ago

tar -cvf backend.tar backend on my laptop creates a 4.91GB tar file. This is because it's including all the dependencies and extra code in backend/. I only want to include backend/target/release/climate_risk_map and backend/migrations.

cypressf commented 2 years ago

tar -cvf backend.tar backend/target/release/climate_risk_map backend/migrations results in a 31.5MB file. That's what I want!

cypressf commented 2 years ago

Okay, now I need to extract the tar before scp to the server.

mjbludwig commented 2 years ago

I think once you get that setup I can put sym links in place and we can try migrating to the new container system.

cypressf commented 2 years ago

Sweet. I'm about to push a commit that sets that up. I'll @ you when I'm done.

cypressf commented 2 years ago


The files are copied to svante3 and svante4 in the following structure:

~/builds/{git hash}/frontend/
~/builds/{git hash}/backend/climate_risk_map
~/builds/{git hash}/backend/migrations/

for the static frontend directory, the executable service, and the migrations directory

cypressf commented 2 years ago

(I didn't include the date in the directory name because I can just use the last modified times if I want to find the latest one)