Closed sorenmc closed 9 months ago
I made it work!
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import Literal
from hydra_zen import store, make_custom_builds_fn, zen
builds = make_custom_builds_fn(populate_full_signature=True)
class C:
c_1: int = 1
c_2: str = "c text"
c_3: Literal["a", "b", "c"] = "a"
class B:
b_1: float = 1.0
b_2: str = "b text"
c: C = field(default_factory= lambda: C())
class A:
a_1: float = 1.0
a_2: int = 1
class Config:
a: A = field(default_factory= lambda: A())
b: B = field(default_factory= lambda: B())
class WrapsConfig:
config: Config = field(default_factory= lambda: Config())
class Model:
def __init__(self, config: Config):
self._config = config
def config(self):
return self._config
builds_c = builds(C)
c_text_1 = builds_c(c_2="c text 1")
c_text_2 = builds_c(c_2="c text 2")
c_text_3 = builds_c(c_2="c text 3")
c_store = store(group="config/b/c")
c_store(c_text_1, name="c_text_1")
c_store(c_text_2, name="c_text_2")
c_store(c_text_3, name="c_text_3")
builds_b = builds(B)
b_1_1 = builds_b(b_1=1, c=c_text_1)
b_1_2 = builds_b(b_1=2, c=c_text_2)
b_1_3 = builds_b(b_1=3, c=c_text_3)
b_store = store(group="config/b")
b_store(b_1_1, name="b_1_1")
b_store(b_1_2, name="b_1_2")
b_store(b_1_3, name="b_1_3")
builds_a = builds(A)
a_1_1 = builds_a(a_1=1.2)
a_1_2 = builds_a(a_1=2.2)
a_1_3 = builds_a(a_1=3.2)
a_store = store(group="config/a")
a_store(a_1_1, name="a_1_1")
a_store(a_1_2, name="a_1_2")
a_store(a_1_3, name="a_1_3")
builds_config = builds(Config)
config_1 = builds_config(a=a_1_1, b=b_1_1)
config_2 = builds_config(a=a_1_2, b=b_1_2)
config_3 = builds_config(a=a_1_3, b=b_1_3)
config_store = store(group="config")
config_store(config_1, name="config_1")
config_store(config_2, name="config_2")
config_store(config_3, name="config_3")
builds_wraps_config = builds(WrapsConfig, config=config_1)
store(builds_wraps_config, name="default_config")
def task_function(config: Config):
model = Model(config)
if __name__ == "__main__":
zen(task_function).hydra_main(config_name="default_config", version_base="1.3", config_path=None)
This will also allow us to use the cli to run eg.
python +config/b/c=c_text_1,c_text_2 -m
or even
python "+config/b/c=glob(*)" -m
For some reason i have to use + to override, but it works for now. Would be nice to hear a reason why you can't override like you would normally be able to
First of all thank you for this project.
Like many others I am striving to move away from yaml files. However i would still like to preserve the 1 main config approach that hydra is known for. I realize that one of hydra-zen's main points is to avoid this behavior to follow DRY principles as mentioned in the docs. I have a pretty big codebase that is relying on these hierarchically structured dicts, and would prefer not having to rewrite it all. A toy example to showcase what I am looking for can be seen below
With this fully encapsulated example i get the following error: