If anyone cared, we could make a verified clone of Mike Hamburg's scalar multiplication synthesis.
It accepts descriptions along the lines of:
The key generation algorithm uses the signed all-bits-set combs algorithm. On64-bit platforms it uses
15kiB of tables (5 comb tables, 5 teeth per comb, 3 coordinates per point,expanded to 32 bytes per
coordinate). On 32-bit platforms it instead uses 12kiB of tables (8 combs,4 teeth per comb). (from https://eprint.iacr.org/2015/625.pdf)
https://eprint.iacr.org/2012/309.pdf section 3.3 seems to explain it. IIRC, it is not actually "general" in the sense of encompassing other algorithms, but is fancy and fast.
If anyone cared, we could make a verified clone of Mike Hamburg's scalar multiplication synthesis.
It accepts descriptions along the lines of:
Encoded as (from https://sourceforge.net/p/ed448goldilocks/code/ci/master/tree/src/generator/curve_data.py#l52):
And plugs them into the template https://sourceforge.net/p/ed448goldilocks/code/ci/master/tree/src/per_curve/decaf.tmpl.c#l996
I haven't yet figured how the parameters in the text correspond to the code, but it should be doable.