mit-plv / fiat-crypto

Cryptographic Primitive Code Generation by Fiat
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Figure out what the command line interface for the various binaries should be #505

Open JasonGross opened 5 years ago

JasonGross commented 5 years ago

Currently we have three binaries, and the arguments are slightly different:

./src/ExtractionOCaml/word_by_word_montgomery curve_description m machine_wordsize [function_to_synthesize*]

  curve_description       A string which will be prefixed to every function name generated
  m                       The prime (e.g., '2^434 - (2^216*3^137 - 1)')
  machine_wordsize        The machine bitwidth (e.g., 32 or 64)
  function_to_synthesize  A list of functions that should be synthesized.  If no functions are given, all functions are synthesized.
                            Valid options are mul, square, add, sub, opp, from_montgomery, nonzero, selectznz, to_bytes, from_bytes
./src/ExtractionOCaml/unsaturated_solinas curve_description n s c machine_wordsize [function_to_synthesize*]

  curve_description       A string which will be prefixed to every function name generated
  n                       The number of limbs
  s                       The largest component of the prime (e.g., '2^255' in '2^255-19')
  c                       The semi-colon separated list of taps, each of which is specified as weight,value (no parentheses) (e.g., '2^96,1;1,-1' in '2^224 - 2^96 + 1')
  machine_wordsize        The machine bitwidth (e.g., 32 or 64)
  function_to_synthesize  A list of functions that should be synthesized.  If no functions are given, all functions are synthesized.
                            Valid options are carry_mul, carry_square, carry, add, sub, opp, selectznz, to_bytes, from_bytes, or 'carry_scmul' followed by a decimal literal
./src/ExtractionOCaml/saturated_solinas curve_description s c machine_wordsize [function_to_synthesize*]

  curve_description       A string which will be prefixed to every function name generated
  s                       The largest component of the prime (e.g., '2^255' in '2^255-19')
  c                       The semi-colon separated list of taps, each of which is specified as weight,value (no parentheses) (e.g., '2^96,1;1,-1' in '2^224 - 2^96 + 1')
  machine_wordsize        The machine bitwidth (e.g., 32 or 64)
  function_to_synthesize  A list of functions that should be synthesized.  If no functions are given, all functions are synthesized.
                            Valid options are mul

Each of these takes a different set of arguments. We also have three different PRs (#390, #391, #393) which update the bounds heuristics and/or command line arguments, in sometimes incompatible ways.

Things we might want to do:

if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then cd ./src/ExtractionOCaml OPTIONS="$(find * -mindepth 0 -executable -type f)" if [ -z "$OPTIONS" ]; then echo "ERROR: No executables found. Did you forget to 'make standalone'?" else echo "ERROR: Expected an argument. One of:" echo "$OPTIONS" fi exit 1 fi

PROG="$1" shift

"./src/ExtractionOCaml/$PROG" "$@"

so that the user can pass the type of synthesis as the first command-line option.  Or, if the choice is heuristic, actually combine the binaries and do the heuristic in Coq.
- Parse the TAPs from the prime number.  This should not be too hard, given that we have `String.replace`, `String.split`, `String.concat`.  In fact, here is a fragment of code that can be dropped in `CLI.v` to parse the TAPs:
Above the section open:
Require Import Coq.Sorting.Mergesort.
Require Import Coq.MSets.MSetPositive.
Require Import Crypto.Util.ListUtil.
Require Import Crypto.Util.Prod.
Require Import Crypto.Util.OptionList.

Module TAPOrder <: Orders.TotalLeBool.
  Local Coercion is_true : bool >-> Sortclass.
  Definition t := (Z * Z)%type.
  Definition leb (x y : t) := Z.leb (snd x) (snd y).
  Infix "<=?" := leb.
  Theorem leb_total : forall a1 a2, a1 <=? a2 \/ a2 <=? a1.
    intros; cbv [is_true leb]; rewrite !Z.leb_le; omega.
End TAPOrder.

Module TAPSort := Sort TAPOrder.

In the section:

  (** Translated from *)
  (** given a string representing one term or "tap" in a prime,
      returns a pair of integers representing the weight and
      coefficient of that tap

      - "2 ^ y" -> [1, y]
      - "x * 2 ^ y" -> [x, y]
      - "x * y" -> [x*y,0]
      - "x" -> [x,0] *)
  Definition parse_term (t : string) : option (Z * Z)
    := (if negb (String.contains 0 "*" t) && negb (String.contains 0 "^" t)
        then (t <- parseZ_arith t;
                Some (t, 1))
        else ab <- if String.contains 0 "*" t
                     match String.split "*" t with
                     | [a; b]
                       => a <- parse_Z a;
                            Some (a, b)
                     | [a1; a2; b] (* this occurs when e.g. [w - x * y] has been turned into [w + -1 * x * y] *)
                       => a1 <- parse_Z a1;
                            a2 <- parse_Z a2;
                            Some (a1 * a2, b)
                     | _ => None
                     Some (1, t);
          let '(a, b) := ab in
          if negb (String.contains 0 "^" b)
            b <- parse_Z b;
              Some (a * b, 1)
            match String.split "^" b with
            | [b; e]
              => b <- parse_Z b;
                   e <- parse_Z e;
                   if (b =? 2)%Z (* should we drop this check? *)
                   then Some (a, 2^e)
                   else None
            | _ => None

  (** Translated from *)
  (** expects prime to be a string and expressed as sum/difference of
      products of two with small coefficients (e.g. '2^448 - 2^224 -
      1', '2^255 - 19') *)
  Definition parse_prime (prime : string) : option (list (Z * Z))
    := let prime := String.replace "+-2^" "+-1*2^" (String.replace " " "" (String.replace "-" "+ -" prime)) in
       let terms := String.split "+" prime in
       (terms <-- parse_term terms;
          Some terms).

  (** Translated from *)
  (** check that the parsed prime makes sense *)
  Definition sanity_check (p : list (Z * Z)) : bool
    := fold_right
         [(* are there at least 2 terms? *)
           (1 <? List.length p)%nat
           ; (* are terms are in order (most to least significant)? *)
           list_beq _ (prod_beq _ _ Z.eqb Z.eqb) p (List.rev (TAPSort.sort p))
           ; (* does the least significant term have weight 2^0=1? *)
           (snd (List.hd (0, 1) (List.rev p)) =? 1)%Z
           ; (* are all the exponents non-negative and the coefficients nonzero? *)
           forallb (fun t => negb (fst t =? 0) && (snd t >=? 1))%Z p
           ; (* is second-most-significant term negative? *)
           (fst (nth_default (0, 1) p 1) <? 0)%Z
           ; (* are any exponents repeated? *)
                 ( (fun t => Z.to_pos (1 + snd t (* 1+ so that 1 and 0 get mapped to different things *))) p))
            =? List.length p)%nat].

I have tested it on a couple of the primes in the list, and it seems to work. We could even check that arithmetic-parsing the prime (which is a bit simpler than this, I think, and more robust) gives the same value as evaluating the taps.

JasonGross commented 5 years ago

@andres-erbsen Do you have thoughts on this?