mit-racecar / racecar_gazebo

A gazebo-based simulator of the MIT Racecar.
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GazeboRosControlPlugin missing <legacyModeNS> #13

Open MarcusFutterlieb opened 6 years ago

MarcusFutterlieb commented 6 years ago

Full error message: GazeboRosControlPlugin missing while using DefaultRobotHWSim, defaults to true. This setting assumes you have an old package with an old implementation of DefaultRobotHWSim, where the robotNamespace is disregarded and absolute paths are used instead. If you do not want to fix this issue in an old package just set to true.

Hello racecar-simulator team,

thanks for the awesome package. I have an issue when trying to roslaunch the parking sim: roslaunch racecar_gazebo racecar_parking_1.launch

actually I am not sure what is suppose to happen if everything executes as intended, but I would guess the racecar would try to park in the gap between the objects. In my simulation nothing is happening. I was able to get rid of the error message by adding:


to the racecar.gazebo file. However, the racecar would still not move. Do you have any idea what the issue might be?

My system is ubuntu 16.04 with a ROS kinetic kame release.

Thanks in advance Marcus

MarcusFutterlieb commented 6 years ago

So I have found that by rosrun racecar_control i can publish directly onto the topics that send the steering commands to the gazebo simulated robot. If racecar_parking_1.launch is intended to be used that way, than everything is fine now. I was under the impression however that there would be some kind of autonomous mode (?).