mit-racecar / racecar_gazebo

A gazebo-based simulator of the MIT Racecar.
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Simulation crashing when accessing signals from the ZED cam #14

Closed MarcusFutterlieb closed 5 years ago

MarcusFutterlieb commented 5 years ago


i have noticed that when I try accessing the information coming from the ZED topics (rostopic echo /camera/zed/... or accessing it through RVIZ) the simualtion crashes. As long as I do not try to see what the ZED cam is sending I can move the race car via teleoperation, add obstacles, basically do whatever I want. But like I said, trying to see what ZED is sending crashes my simulation entirely.

I am running a Ubuntu16.04 on a virtual machine, have installed CUDA10 (required for the ZED SDK), latest ZED SDK, ROS-Kinetic, cloned the ZED-ROS-Wrapper and installed all demanded dependencies.

Do you have any idea what the problem might be? Thanks in advance

MarcusFutterlieb commented 5 years ago

Hello everyone, I was able to find out that there can be issues with Gazebo7.x, the default simulator for ROS-Kinetic IF you are using a virtual machine. Do not ask me what exactly the issue is, just google for <> and you will find that there are several options to fix this. What worked for me was to switch my Gazebo version to the most recent (9). I hope that helps anyone experiencing similar issues.