mitch7391 / homebridge-cmd4-AdvantageAir

Catered shell script to integrate air conditioner control units by Advantage Air into HomeKit using the plug-in homebridge-cmd4.
MIT License
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Tell Me How You Use Your System? How Do You Want To Use it? #3

Closed mitch7391 closed 3 years ago

mitch7391 commented 3 years ago

Hey @antoniokly, @lathiat, @ryanbeaton, @jmalloc,

I have been looking to improve this project and would like a little direction based on how other people use their E-Zone/MyAir at home so that it is not just based on how I currently use it. Please take in mind I am very green with this stuff and will be learning as I go, but would very much like to see what else can be done with this.

Since its creation it has come to my attention some people do not use the temperature sensors, some people use third party temperature sensors, some people have more than one constant zone, some people use different operating systems, etc. If it is not too much trouble, could I ask anyone to provide a little information (no personal details please) on their setup? Along the lines of:

Thanks everyone and sorry for tagging you all directly, this is the easiest way to gain stakeholder engagement!

jmalloc commented 3 years ago

No problem!

I haven't actually tried your plugin yet, so I'm not qualified to ask for features :)

However, in case it's useful I have done some work on my own Homekit integration (using the Go language) here I haven't given this much love and I had been toying with the idea of making homebridge plugin instead but it's pretty low on my priority list.

One of the particular problems I faced when I was working on airkit was coming up with a way to present the current "MyZone" to homekit that worked well in both the Home app and via Siri. I'm not sure if that's something you've solved.

Feel free to email me or ping me on issues in the future if you think info about my setup will be useful.

Edit: My setup is a "MyAir" system, btw. Edit 2: In particular this dump of the status output from my tablet's API might be useful.

mitch7391 commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the reply James :) oh wow! So my biggest thing was I had no idea how to make a plug-in, which was really what I was after but settled on this; which was already way too hard for me and took a lot of guidance!

So currently I expose just the simplest aspects of this to HomeKit as their is no support for a mulit-zone AC at present. What I have is one 'master' thermostat based my constant zone (z01) and all other zones are just switch accessories to open and close zones. I made the script so it will write the one temperature to all zones when controlled through Homekit; as I do not set multiple temperatures throughout the house and find the master temperature on the app versus the zone temperatures confusing. I then created temperature sensor accessories for each room for future automations and that is it!

The idea was one day to potentially create thermostat accessories for each zone instead of the temperature sensors, so that individual room temperature adjustment could be achieved; this also may now look nicer with how iOS14 presents them. I am testing the waters of this now as a user has requested a theromstat for each storey of their house.

Your data dump there has finally 100% confirmed MyAir and E-Zone are the exact same API. I would very much love for us to help each other; although I feel like I would be a bit of dead weight, but what I have so far my be useful to you!

jmalloc commented 3 years ago

No worries 👍

The idea was one day to potentially create thermostat accessories for each zone instead of the temperature sensors, so that individual room temperature adjustment could be achieved ...

I think we have faced very similar issues! In one of my attempts I had separate thermostats in each zone and a master on/off switch, which worked reasonably well but was a bit ham-fisted if you asked Siri to "cool down the house" because it would turn on every zone.

The part I never really solved was the "myzone" feature, which may not exist in the E-Zone systems. I'm really not sure so forgive me if anything here is common knowledge. With my installation I have the option of using one of three "temperature control modes" described here.

I do not set multiple temperatures throughout the house and find the master temperature on the app versus the zone temperatures confusing

Yeah, I'll say. I think my setup is a little different -it does not have a "master" temperature control per se, but whichever zone is selected as "myzone" is displayed on the main page of the app. In practice I always use the "zones" tab and move this "myzone" around to whichever room needs the most cooling.

My understanding is that this is what the "mytemp" mode is supposed to do automatically. I had the unit installed back when "myzone" was the only option, and we have continued to use that mostly because when I tried "mytemp" it would not let you turn off whichever zone it automatically selected. It's possible this has been fixed in a subsequent update but I haven't tried.

... a user has requested a theromstat for each storey of their house.

Is this something that some of the AdvantageAir units can do? In my limited experience I'd only seen either temperature sensing per-zone, or no temperature sensing at all.

Your data dump there has finally 100% confirmed MyAir and E-Zone are the exact same API. I would very much love for us to help each other; although I feel like I would be a bit of dead weight, but what I have so far my be useful to you!

:+1: I'd really love to get back to this in the future so if we can help each other out that's great.

I also have one colleague considering a MyAir unit (/cc @parkertr), and another who has a friend with a MyAir system of some kind, which might help provide more info. Both of these people are interested in HomeKit automation.

Some goals I had for my airkit project were:

  1. automatically discovering the devices from the MyAir API
  2. seamless use of the standard MyAir app alongside the HomeKit integration

I'm not sure if that first point is achievable using the cmd4 plugin. That would likely be my main consideration when deciding whether to use this plugin or not when I get some time to look into this again.

From your README I'm assuming you've used cmd4 because there was some prior art to reference and due to a lack of familiarity with Javascript as used in Homebridge. If that's what you mean by "dead weight" then I don't see it that way; you have made working solution, all I've done is come up with more questions ;) It makes sense to consolidate our efforts.

jmalloc commented 3 years ago

In case there's any further differences between E-Zone and MyAir that can be gleaned from the app, here's some screenshots.

mitch7391 commented 3 years ago

I think we have faced very similar issues! In one of my attempts I had separate thermostats in each zone and a master on/off switch, which worked reasonably well but was a bit ham-fisted if you asked Siri to "cool down the house" because it would turn on every zone.

Yeah with my approach of one master thermostat there would be no issue with Siri; I have a 'room' in Homekit called 'Ezone' and have called the master thermostat 'Aircon'. All I need to say is "set Aircon to cool" and Siri turns on the AC for the whole house and then I either use Homekit app or tell Siri to turn on zones in each room. If I had a thermostat for each room I would just have to say "set Craftroom Aircon to cool" and that would turn on the master AC and open that zone.

The part I never really solved was the "myzone" feature, which may not exist in the E-Zone systems. I'm really not sure so forgive me if anything here is common knowledge. With my installation I have the option of using one of three "temperature control modes" described here.

E-zone can also have the 'myZone' if I upgrade but I would rather leave automations and these fancier features to Homekit or my ecosystem (not that I really do any of that yet); but I can see a lot of the options in the jason data dump for my AC.

Is this something that some of the AdvantageAir units can do? In my limited experience I'd only seen either temperature sensing per-zone, or no temperature sensing at all.

According to their engineers (this took a lot of phone calls to get that far...) you can control different temperatures all through the house, but obviously on the same mode throughout the house. I believe they explained to me that the temperature on the front of the app is what the return air for the unit is, which is not the same temperature setting as the individual zones; so really you should be controlling from individual zones they say. So I control from my zones and have that pump the same value to the front of the app and all my other zones when set from HomeKit; the same for the state of the AC (heating, cooling, fan).

In my recent struggles to allow it to have more than one thermostat (in this case one master thermostat for each constant zone; or each storey of your house), I wanted to be able to let it have conditional statements to say that if you turn off one thermostat and the other is still on, then just shut the zone and do not turn off the master off and if the other thermostat is already off then use the master off. I have as of this hour successfully implemented this and will give it a bit more testing.

Some goals I had for my airkit project were:

I love your first goal there and I am quite limited with my implementation at this stage, but I would love if I could make this easier for people. I just had someone trying to do it through HOOBS and I could not get it working for them sadly due to how restrictive it seems to be as an OS. Your second goal will hopefully be achievable once Apple implement a more appropriate accessory for us! But I am very happy with my current setup in terms of basic usability.

I'm not sure if that first point is achievable using the cmd4 plugin.

Cmd4 took a very long time to wrap my head around; even with the spoon feeding from a person credited in my README; I still only have a basic understanding. I have tried my best to make it so people do not need to understand Cmd4 and the install of this is not too hard; but I think it could still be made easier for new comers. But yes, I did do it this way as I have little to no coding experience (the dead weight lol) and this was the better option for me to get it going at the time as someone was able to guide me through it as I hit each road block.

I do recommend if you have a spare moment to give this install a go and see how you find it all; I would really love some constructive criticism or suggestions :)

mitch7391 commented 3 years ago

Sorry for the wall of text haha and your screenshots are identical to my app except for the use of myzone which I am not using...

cilibion commented 2 years ago

Hi. Just to confirm this works with MyPlace, 6 zones, 1 constant, 5 temperature sensors. Using on Hoobs on Raspberry Pi 3.

ztalbot2000 commented 2 years ago


Mine is a fork of Mitch's. We collaborate together. He is the expert in the MyAir though. What is in mine is a beta of what is in his beta branch. My repo was supposed to disappear with his pull. I was helping him with the UI when using Homebridge-UI. His beta branch may have the updated documentation for my UI changes to his repo. That being said, the beta branch is near complete. We have one outstanding issue and that is if you happen to use Homebridge's own Pi image and some documentation that I know of. The beta branch is safe and will work with MyAir. Any questions would be best to ask Mitch. I do know that Mitch has a lot of users using his MyAir and they are very pleased with it and all the support he gives.

Take care, John Talbot

On Sun, Dec 5, 2021 at 6:20 AM cilibion @.***> wrote:

Hi. Just to confirm this works with MyPlace, 6 zones, 1 constant, 5 temperature sensors. Using on Hoobs on Raspberry Pi 3.

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mitch7391 commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the info @cilibion, it is good to finally 100% confirm it works for MyPlace as I suspected it would! If you have any issues or requests, let me know!

John is a amazing contributor for the features of this repo; he is the coding wizard that helps execute all the parts I struggle with in this journey :) this repo would be very basic and buggy without him. He has just touched on a very cool update we will be rolling out soon enough!

8lackIce commented 2 years ago

Can confirm. I set this up with MyPlace over the weekend. I’ve been trying to figure out how to contact you via GitHub.

I have 4 Zones, 4 temp sensors, no constant zone. Using with HomeKit on RPi3 also.

There is one weird bug with the set temp display on the Thermostat. No matter what it tells me it’s trying to reach 24 degrees.



On Sun, 5 Dec 2021 at 10:20 pm, cilibion @.***> wrote:

Hi. Just to confirm this works with MyPlace, 6 zones, 1 constant, 5 temperature sensors. Using on Hoobs on Raspberry Pi 3.

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8lackIce commented 2 years ago

Sorry, using with HomeBridge I should say.

On Mon, 6 Dec 2021 at 9:14 am, Craig Bayliss @.***> wrote:

Can confirm. I set this up with MyPlace over the weekend. I’ve been trying to figure out how to contact you via GitHub.

I have 4 Zones, 4 temp sensors, no constant zone. Using with HomeKit on RPi3 also.

There is one weird bug with the set temp display on the Thermostat. No matter what it tells me it’s trying to reach 24 degrees.



On Sun, 5 Dec 2021 at 10:20 pm, cilibion @.***> wrote:

Hi. Just to confirm this works with MyPlace, 6 zones, 1 constant, 5 temperature sensors. Using on Hoobs on Raspberry Pi 3.

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ztalbot2000 commented 2 years ago


You might want to start by sending us your config.json. Otherwise we are in the dark about your configuration or how to begin helping you.

Ttyl, John

On Sun, Dec 5, 2021 at 5:14 PM 8lackIce @.***> wrote:

Can confirm. I set this up with MyPlace over the weekend. I’ve been trying to figure out how to contact you via GitHub.

I have 4 Zones, 4 temp sensors, no constant zone. Using with HomeKit on RPi3 also.

There is one weird bug with the set temp display on the Thermostat. No matter what it tells me it’s trying to reach 24 degrees.



On Sun, 5 Dec 2021 at 10:20 pm, cilibion @.***> wrote:

Hi. Just to confirm this works with MyPlace, 6 zones, 1 constant, 5 temperature sensors. Using on Hoobs on Raspberry Pi 3.

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8lackIce commented 2 years ago

Thanks John, I wasn’t actually asking for help, I was really just letting you know that the plugin works for the MyPlace controller.

But, since you mention it. I’ll send through a copy of the config, see if you can see something that I’ve missed. Appreciate it.



On Mon, 6 Dec 2021 at 9:22 am, John Talbot @.***> wrote:


You might want to start by sending us your config.json. Otherwise we are in the dark about your configuration or how to begin helping you.

Ttyl, John

On Sun, Dec 5, 2021 at 5:14 PM 8lackIce @.***> wrote:

Can confirm. I set this up with MyPlace over the weekend. I’ve been trying to figure out how to contact you via GitHub.

I have 4 Zones, 4 temp sensors, no constant zone. Using with HomeKit on RPi3 also.

There is one weird bug with the set temp display on the Thermostat. No matter what it tells me it’s trying to reach 24 degrees.



On Sun, 5 Dec 2021 at 10:20 pm, cilibion @.***> wrote:

Hi. Just to confirm this works with MyPlace, 6 zones, 1 constant, 5 temperature sensors. Using on Hoobs on Raspberry Pi 3.

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8lackIce commented 2 years ago

{ "platform": "Cmd4", "name": "Cmd4", "outputConstants": false, "statusMsg": true, "timeout": 5000, "stateChangeResponseTime": 0, "queueTypes": [ { "queue": "A", "queueType": "WoRm" } ], "accessories": [ { "type": "TemperatureSensor", "subType": "tempSensor1", "displayName": "Living Room", "currentTemperature": 25, "statusLowBattery": "BATTERY_LEVEL_LOW", "name": "Living Room", "manufacturer": "Advantage Air Australia", "model": "myAir", "serialNumber": "Fujitsu e-zone2", "queue": "A", "polling": [ { "characteristic": "currentTemperature" }, { "characteristic": "statusLowBattery" } ], "state_cmd": "bash /var/lib/homebridge/.homebridge/cmd4ShellScripts/", "state_cmd_suffix": "z01" }, { "type": "TemperatureSensor", "subType": "tempSensor2", "displayName": "Lounge Room", "currentTemperature": 25, "statusLowBattery": "BATTERY_LEVEL_LOW", "name": "Lounge Room", "manufacturer": "Advantage Air Australia", "model": "e-zone", "serialNumber": "Fujitsu e-zone2", "queue": "A", "polling": [ { "characteristic": "currentTemperature" }, { "characteristic": "statusLowBattery" } ], "state_cmd": "bash /var/lib/homebridge/.homebridge/cmd4ShellScripts/", "state_cmd_suffix": "z02" }, { "type": "TemperatureSensor", "subType": "tempSensor3", "displayName": "Study", "currentTemperature": 25, "statusLowBattery": "BATTERY_LEVEL_LOW", "name": "Study", "manufacturer": "Advantage Air Australia", "model": "e-zone", "serialNumber": "Fujitsu e-zone2", "queue": "A", "polling": [ { "characteristic": "currentTemperature" }, { "characteristic": "statusLowBattery" } ], "state_cmd": "bash /var/lib/homebridge/.homebridge/cmd4ShellScripts/", "state_cmd_suffix": "z03" }, { "type": "TemperatureSensor", "subType": "tempSensor4", "displayName": "Master Bed", "currentTemperature": 25, "statusLowBattery": "BATTERY_LEVEL_LOW", "name": "Master Bed", "manufacturer": "Advantage Air Australia", "model": "e-zone", "serialNumber": "Fujitsu e-zone2", "queue": "A", "polling": [ { "characteristic": "currentTemperature" }, { "characteristic": "statusLowBattery" } ], "state_cmd": "bash /var/lib/homebridge/.homebridge/cmd4ShellScripts/", "state_cmd_suffix": "z04" }, { "type": "Switch", "displayName": "Living Room", "on": "FALSE", "name": "Zone 1", "manufacturer": "Advantage Air Australia", "model": "e-zone", "serialNumber": "Fujitsu e-zone2", "queue": "A", "polling": true, "state_cmd": "bash /var/lib/homebridge/.homebridge/cmd4ShellScripts/", "state_cmd_suffix": "z01" }, { "type": "Switch", "displayName": "Lounge Room", "on": "FALSE", "name": "Zone 2", "manufacturer": "Advantage Air Australia", "model": "e-zone", "serialNumber": "Fujitsu e-zone2", "queue": "A", "polling": true, "state_cmd": "bash /var/lib/homebridge/.homebridge/cmd4ShellScripts/", "state_cmd_suffix": "z02" }, { "type": "Switch", "displayName": "Study", "on": "FALSE", "name": "Zone 3", "manufacturer": "Advantage Air Australia", "model": "e-zone", "serialNumber": "Fujitsu e-zone2", "queue": "A", "polling": true, "state_cmd": "bash /var/lib/homebridge/.homebridge/cmd4ShellScripts/", "state_cmd_suffix": "z03" }, { "type": "Switch", "displayName": "Master Bed", "on": "FALSE", "name": "Zone 4", "manufacturer": "Advantage Air Australia", "model": "e-zone", "serialNumber": "Fujitsu e-zone2", "queue": "A", "polling": true, "state_cmd": "bash /var/lib/homebridge/.homebridge/cmd4ShellScripts/", "state_cmd_suffix": "z04" }, { "type": "Fan", "on": "FALSE", "name": "Fan", "manufacturer": "Advantage Air Australia", "model": "e-zone", "serialNumber": "Fujitsu e-zone2", "queue": "A", "polling": true, "state_cmd": "bash /var/lib/homebridge/.homebridge/cmd4ShellScripts/" }, { "type": "Thermostat", "displayName": "Aircon", "currentHeatingCoolingState": "OFF", "targetHeatingCoolingState": "OFF", "currentTemperature": 25, "targetTemperature": 25, "temperatureDisplayUnits": "CELSIUS", "name": "Aircon", "manufacturer": "Advantage Air Australia", "model": "e-zone", "serialNumber": "Fujitsu e-zone2", "queue": "A", "polling": [ { "characteristic": "currentHeatingCoolingState" }, { "characteristic": "targetHeatingCoolingState" }, { "characteristic": "currentTemperature" }, { "characteristic": "targetTemperature" } ], "state_cmd": "bash /var/lib/homebridge/.homebridge/cmd4ShellScripts/" } ] }

On Mon, 6 Dec 2021 at 9:22 am, John Talbot @.***> wrote:


You might want to start by sending us your config.json. Otherwise we are in the dark about your configuration or how to begin helping you.

Ttyl, John

On Sun, Dec 5, 2021 at 5:14 PM 8lackIce @.***> wrote:

Can confirm. I set this up with MyPlace over the weekend. I’ve been trying to figure out how to contact you via GitHub.

I have 4 Zones, 4 temp sensors, no constant zone. Using with HomeKit on RPi3 also.

There is one weird bug with the set temp display on the Thermostat. No matter what it tells me it’s trying to reach 24 degrees.



On Sun, 5 Dec 2021 at 10:20 pm, cilibion @.***> wrote:

Hi. Just to confirm this works with MyPlace, 6 zones, 1 constant, 5 temperature sensors. Using on Hoobs on Raspberry Pi 3.

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mitch7391 commented 2 years ago

Hey @8lackIce, thanks for sharing your setup. I would say most users for this are probably new to GitHub. Best way to reach out to me is to go to the ‘issues’ tab and create a new issue in the future :) this can be for something as simple as requesting some help, if you have noticed a bug or want to suggest a feature.

For your issue, straight off the bat I can see you have named temperature sensors and switches the exact same name (which I advice against doing as a small note in the installation instructions). You cannot give two accessories the same name from what I have seem. So, your temperature sensor named “Living Room” and your switch named “Living Room”; one of them will need to be named differently. Maybe the switch could be named “Living Room Vent”; you will need to do this until all of them no longer share an exact name.

Try this and if it still does not fix your problem, raise an issue and I’ll see what more I can do for you. I am otherwise going to try hide the above comments as they distract from the main topic of this thread :)