mitchellh / vagrant-aws

Use Vagrant to manage your EC2 and VPC instances.
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Allow status and ssh to run without a lock #457

Closed Sharpie closed 8 years ago

Sharpie commented 8 years ago

Prior to this patch long running operations, such as provisioners, would prevent vagrant status or vagrant ssh from being run due to Vagrant action locking. Attempting such actions would result in an error message. This is inconvienant as shelling into a VM is a common debugging step in figuring out why a provisioner is taking longer than usual.

Vagrant 1.7 introduced the ability to mark certain actions as not requireing a lock. This patch adds lock: false to the get_state and get_ssh_info calls which allows both vagrant status and vagrant ssh to function while a long-running action is executing in another process. Vagrant 1.6 will ignore the unknown lock option and fail as usual.

Sharpie commented 8 years ago

Simple reproduction case:

Vagrant.configure('2') do |config|

  config.vm.provider :aws do |p, o|
    # AWS configuration.

  config.vm.define :test do |node|
    # Some long-running provisioner
    node.vm.provision :shell, inline: 'sleep 300'


Run vagrant provision test in one terminal. Open a separate terminal and attempt vagrant status or vagrant ssh test. Both will fail with:

An action 'get_state' was attempted on the machine 'test',
but another process is already executing an action on the machine.
Vagrant locks each machine for access by only one process at a time.
Please wait until the other Vagrant process finishes modifying this
machine, then try again.

If you believe this message is in error, please check the process
listing for any "ruby" or "vagrant" processes and kill them. Then
try again.
Sharpie commented 8 years ago

@rtyler Any thoughts on this patch? It's a small change that eases a lot of pain.

rob1256 commented 8 years ago

:+1: This fix would save me a lot of hassle when working with AWS instances. Some of my provisioning scripts fail because of it.