mitchellkrogza / Fail2Ban.WebExploits

This custom Fail2Ban filter and jail will deal with all scans for common Wordpress, Joomla and other Web Exploits being scanned for by automated bots and those seeking to find exploitable web sites.
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How do I add multiple log file path using this configuration? #15

Open Blason opened 1 year ago

Blason commented 1 year ago


In my nginx reverse proxy server I have around 15 web sites and those have been configured to send a logs to different directory under /var/log/nginx - e.g

site1 : /var/log/nginx/site1{access.log, error.log} site2 : /var/log/nginx/site2{access.log, error.log}

And so on - I guess with this configuration only default access.log is picked up.

Please confirm