mitchellkrogza / nginx-ultimate-bad-bot-blocker

Nginx Block Bad Bots, Spam Referrer Blocker, Vulnerability Scanners, User-Agents, Malware, Adware, Ransomware, Malicious Sites, with anti-DDOS, Wordpress Theme Detector Blocking and Fail2Ban Jail for Repeat Offenders
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Add user-agent `my-tiny-bot` to block list #536

Open Sebbo94BY opened 7 months ago

Sebbo94BY commented 7 months ago

The my-tiny-bot is a bot, which requests every second partially very specific URLs:

/var/log/nginx/ - - [04/Nov/2023:23:06:35 +0000] "GET /stats/list_rankup.php?order=desc&search=filter:lastseen:%26gt;:1698972556:&seite=5&sort=lastseen&user=25 HTTP/1.1" 499 0 "-" "my-tiny-bot"
/var/log/nginx/ - - [04/Nov/2023:23:06:37 +0000] "GET /stats/list_rankup.php?order=desc&search=filter:lastseen:%26gt;:1698454281:&seite=4&sort=lastseen&user=25 HTTP/1.1" 499 0 "-" "my-tiny-bot"

On one of my servers this bot caused ~26k requests within 24 hours from three different IP addresses:

$ grep "my-tiny-bot" /var/log/nginx/*.log | cut -d " " -f 1 | sort | uniq -c
     17 /var/log/nginx/
     16 /var/log/nginx/
      7 /var/log/nginx/
   8811 /var/log/nginx/
   8517 /var/log/nginx/
   8609 /var/log/nginx/

Those IP addresses could be potentially also added to the block list, but those are from AWS, so I personally would avoid this and only block the user agent.

Other admins also report these associated IP addresses as evil:

GabrieleOlmi commented 7 months ago

100% confidence of abuse on AbuseIPDB. It seems that the bot also uses other user-agents, as can be seen on AbuseIPDB and listed here: