mitchelloharawild / fable.prophet

fable extension for the prophet forecasting procedure
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Cannot use `xreg()` special #19

Closed davidtedfordholt closed 4 years ago

davidtedfordholt commented 4 years ago

The xreg special can be called implicitly using a variable name, but cannot be called explicitly. Because of this, the additional arguments for xreg (type, prior_scale and standardize) are unavailable, as best I can tell.

I only discovered this because I can't get it to work in fable.bsts. I'm not sure if this is about the specific implementation in fable.prophet or the general implementation in fabletools.


data <- vic_elec %>%
    index_by(Date) %>%
    summarise(Demand = sum(Demand), Temperature = mean(Temperature))

model(data, prophet = prophet(Demand ~ Temperature))
model(data, prophet = prophet(Demand ~ xreg(Temperature, prior_scale = .1)))
mitchelloharawild commented 4 years ago

Thanks for this, sounds like a bug as the xreg() special should be available for calling directly if it is defined in the list of specials. I will do some testing of this tonight.

On Tue., 25 Feb. 2020, 14:07 David, wrote:

The xreg special can be called implicitly using a variable name, but cannot be called explicitly. Because of this, the additional arguments for xreg (type, prior_scale and standardize) are unavailable, as best I can tell.

I only discovered this because I can't get it to work in fable.bsts I'm not sure if this is about the specific implementation in fable.prophet or the general implementation in fabletools.

library(tsibbledata) library(tsibble) library(fable.prophet) library(dplyr) data <- vic_elec %>% index_by(Date) %>% summarise(Demand = sum(Demand), Temperature = mean(Temperature))

model(data, prophet = prophet(Demand ~ Temperature)) model(data, prophet = prophet(Demand ~ xreg(Temperature, prior_scale = .1)))

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mitchelloharawild commented 4 years ago

I can confirm that this was not working as it should in fable.prophet, and that it should work as you expect now ( This change will be included in the next release.

davidtedfordholt commented 4 years ago

Thank you! If the next release will be a little bit, I'll go ahead and work on fable.bsts using a github-installed fabletools.

mitchelloharawild commented 4 years ago

The next release will coincide with the release of dplyr 1.0.0, so ~1-2 months. I recommend pulling from the fabletools@xreg branch which is closest to the CRAN version (with only this fix).

davidtedfordholt commented 4 years ago

Will do, and thanks again. If you need help at any point with the extension vignette, @bradisbrad and I are happy to help. If we get to a point where we can do it, anyone can.

mitchelloharawild commented 4 years ago

Closing as this has been fixed in the latest {fabletools} CRAN release.

#> Warning: package 'tsibbledata' was built under R version 3.6.3
#> Loading required package: Rcpp
#> Loading required package: fabletools
#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#>     filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#>     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union

data <- vic_elec %>%
  index_by(Date) %>%
  summarise(Demand = sum(Demand), Temperature = mean(Temperature))

model(data, prophet = prophet(Demand ~ Temperature))
#> # A mable: 1 x 1
#>     prophet
#>     <model>
#> 1 <prophet>
model(data, prophet = prophet(Demand ~ xreg(Temperature, prior_scale = .1)))
#> # A mable: 1 x 1
#>     prophet
#>     <model>
#> 1 <prophet>

Created on 2020-07-16 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)