mitchelloharawild / vitae

R Markdown Résumés and CVs
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Is there a way to add columns? #220

Closed colebaril closed 7 months ago

colebaril commented 1 year ago

I would like to make these two categories appear in two columns rather than one. Does anyone know of a way to do this?

This is the code...

# Skills

  ~ Degree, ~ Year, ~ Institution, ~ Where, ~ Why,
  "Skilled in the following laboratory procedures", "", "Laboratory Skills", "", 
  c("RNA/DNA extraction",
    "Mosquito identification, handling, and rearing",
    "Reverse transcriptase reactions",
    "Polymerase chain reactions",
    "Polymerase chain reaction design",
    "Gel electrophoresis",
    "Aseptic techniques",
    "Media preparation and pouring",
    "RNA interference design",
    "Primer design and troubleshooting"),
  "Familiar with the following laboratory equipment", "", "Laboratory Equipment", "",
  c("Dissection and compound microscope",
    "Light microscope camera",
    "CDC light trap",
    "Ultracold freezer",
    "Micropipette and pipette",
    "Dry and wet bath",
    "Gel electrophoresis apparatus",
    "Bio-Rad ChemiDoc Imaging System",
    "Fume hood",
    "Implen NanoPhotometer",
    "Microplate photometer"),
  "Through knowledge of the following programs and languages", "", "Computer Skills", "",
  c("Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Teams, Sharepoint and Outlook)",
    "Google Sheets",
    "Netlify (website hosting)",
    "R & RStudio",
    "Xaringon (HTML presentations)",
    "Next generation sequencing analysis",
    "CLC Genomics Workbench",
    "Chan Zuckerberg ID",
    "MEGAX for phylogenetic and sequence analysis",
    "Familiar with NCBI databases (e.g., nr, protein, nucleotide)",
    "Familiar with NCBI web applications (e.g., BLAST suite, ORFfinder, conserved domains)",
    "RMarkdown & Markdown",
    "Data Manipulation, transformation and organization using Excel and R",
    "Data visualization using RStudio",
    "Experience building models (GLMMs) for mosquito- and sclerotinia-weather based modelling",
    "Familiar with the Environment Canada weather database",
    "Experience manipulating weather data")
) %>% 
  detailed_entries(Degree, Year, Institution, Where, Why)
mitchelloharawild commented 1 year ago

Not with the current awesome-cv template (, sorry! If you can find a way supported by the upstream template then I would happily integrate this feature with the package.