mitchelloharawild / vitae

R Markdown Résumés and CVs
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Adding pronouns to vitae package #228

Closed isabelle-greco closed 1 year ago

isabelle-greco commented 1 year ago

Adding pronouns to each template.

isabelle-greco commented 1 year ago

@mitchelloharawild I think this one is almost done.

My only problem is with moderncv: I can't build the example even when pulling it from main. The error looks similar to #176: I suspect there is a


line somewhere that I can't find causing issues. Can you build the moderncv from main?

mitchelloharawild commented 1 year ago

I've fixed up the icon not showing on moderncv and I'm not encountering the issue you describe when building from main. Would you like to add yourself to the package contributors?

isabelle-greco commented 1 year ago

@mitchelloharawild I added the changes to as per - is that what you meant? (sorry if I've misunderstood, I've never contributed to an R package before).

mitchelloharawild commented 1 year ago

@mitchelloharawild I added the changes to as per - is that what you meant? (sorry if I've misunderstood, I've never contributed to an R package before).

Great, thanks for adding the news entry. Even better that this is your first R package contribution! The DESCRIPTION file contains some metadata about the package, including the authors (similar to a paper). To acknowledge your contributions to this package, you're welcome to add yourself as a contributor to the package there.

Fill in the information as best you can, for example:

person("Isabelle", "Greco", role="ctb")

You can also add your ORCID if you have one :+1:

isabelle-greco commented 1 year ago

@mitchelloharawild I think it's all done! Woo! Thanks for all your help with this one - I've definitely learned so much about R packages along the way.

isabelle-greco commented 1 year ago

@mitchelloharawild Just bumping this PR - no rush at all but just wanted to make sure it wasn't forgotten!

isabelle-greco commented 1 year ago

No rush at all @mitchelloharawild - I just want to make sure this PR isn't forgotten. Currently waiting on approval for the workflows.

isabelle-greco commented 1 year ago

Woo the workflows have passed! Are you happy to merge this PR @mitchelloharawild?

isabelle-greco commented 1 year ago

Just bumping again @mitchelloharawild, I'd hate for this work to get forgotten!