mitchelloharawild / vitae

R Markdown Résumés and CVs
1.19k stars 229 forks source link

Decreasing header spacing #240

Closed sbreitbart closed 10 months ago

sbreitbart commented 10 months ago

Hi there,

This is a great resume template! I began using it a few months ago and was able to decrease the header spacing from 1" to 0.5" by changing this line in my \Documents\R\win-library\4.1\pagedown\resources\css\resume.css file:

  size: letter portrait;
  margin: 0.4in 0.5in 0.4in 0.25in;

I updated Rstudio and now those settings aren't applying to my knitted pdf anymore. Do you have any advice?

sbreitbart commented 10 months ago

Found the answer in the second and third comments on this post , for anyone else with the same question.

mitchelloharawild commented 10 months ago

Wonderful, thanks for coming back and posting the answer. Sorry I didn't get to this before you figured it out!