mitchellrj / eufy_robovac

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This integration will soon be deprecated - Any updates? #38

Open 3ative opened 11 months ago

3ative commented 11 months ago

From Home Assistant:

"The eufy_vacuum custom integration is using deprecated vacuum feature"

The custom integration eufy_vacuum is extending the deprecated base class VacuumEntity instead of StateVacuumEntity. Please report it to the author of the eufy_vacuum custom integration.

Is anyone working on this? Are there any plans to fix?


hugalafutro commented 11 months ago

I tried your PR, and it makes the warning go away, however it breaks the status attribute of the robovac:

without the fix: image

with the fix the status attribute is gone: image

Any ideas? I looked at the code, but it's all just mumbo jumbo to me.

3ative commented 11 months ago

Same here - I only noticed afterwards. I couldn't work out that status part either - nothing else I could found referenced the VacuumEntity or StateVacuumEntity.

hugalafutro commented 11 months ago

@3ative there is apparently a fix at, but to my understanding it would only work for people who already have that integration set up, as that integration cannot be set up freshly because grabbing the token from tuya api is broken - which is why I am using this one.

Not sure if any of it is useful / applicable, just thought I'd mention it.

3ative commented 11 months ago

@hugalafutro Thanks for the info.... I've had a look through their code changes and, as you say, it's all TUYA based. However, It may give me some clues for a new PR.

kenguest commented 7 months ago

Any luck on figuring this out?

3ative commented 7 months ago

Try this:

silviudc commented 4 months ago

Home assistant update 2024.2.0 broke this integration for me so I went to the one above, it detects my G30 but not my 15c Max so I'm stuck again :(