mitchellspryn / UrdfSim

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Crashing when hit play linearactuator.cpp:91 #20

Closed huckl3b3rry87 closed 4 years ago

huckl3b3rry87 commented 4 years ago

When I try to insert a URDF into a new map, it is crashing with on these lines of code

Unhandled exception

UE4Editor_AirSim!LinearActuator::ComputeForces() [c:\users\admin\documents\workspace\dataset_synthesizer - copy\source\plugins\airsim\source\vehicles\urdfbot\controlledmotioncomponent\linearactuator.cpp:91]
UE4Editor_AirSim!AUrdfBotPawn::Tick() [c:\users\admin\documents\workspace\dataset_synthesizer - copy\source\plugins\airsim\source\vehicles\urdfbot\urdfbotpawn.cpp:117]

For the first one it looks like it is getting a control signal noopControlSignal > 1.0f I did not write a client to simulate the the arm, for now, I am just trying to insert it into my simulation.

It works when I do not have a map, but when I put it in a room with stuff this issue pops up.

mitchellspryn commented 4 years ago

I don't understand what you mean "Works when I do not have a map."

When I look at that line in the code, I see

throw std::runtime_error("The initial state of the actuator could not be resolved. The actuator is extended longer than the maximal allowable distance.");

This indicates that the state of your actuator is outside the range of motion specified in your URDF file.

huckl3b3rry87 commented 4 years ago

@mitchellspryn thank you for the response.

Sorry, I misspoke. In both cases, I do have a map. But, when I tried to only change the Project Map to something more than a very simple map, for instance an elaborate room, it was crashing when I started.

I think that maybe it was hitting something as it fell down during player start and put it into an impossible state.

But, I just retried it far away from other objects and it works !


mitchellspryn commented 4 years ago

Ah. I see.

Perhaps, but also I've noticed that the simulation can be a bit unstable right at the start of play, especially when (A) playing in the editor, and (B) when not starting on the ground. This does tend to fix itself if the game is exported.

huckl3b3rry87 commented 4 years ago

Hmm, I am still running into this issue. Here is another example

If the player start looks like this AA

it loads fine A

But if I try to turn the gripper towards the camera, so that it can pick up the cup


It crashes with the above error.

Also, I tried to move the player close to the ground, but the error still exists. Is there a way to move the player directly on the ground?

huckl3b3rry87 commented 4 years ago

This just happened again, a fix seems to be deleting the original default player start and adding a new one