mitchellvanw / laravel-doctrine

NO LONGER MAINTAINED! A Doctrine 2 implementation that melts with Laravel
MIT License
187 stars 74 forks source link

Laravel 5 #40

Closed glennjacobs closed 7 years ago

glennjacobs commented 10 years ago

Laravel 5 has broken compatibility for the UserProvider.

I've fixed it locally, but it will not work with Laravel 4 - how do you want to handle this? Make a branch specifically for Laravel 5?

kirkbushell commented 10 years ago

Is that because the contracts have been moved onto into their own package now?

glennjacobs commented 10 years ago

Yeah, that's precisely it.

kirkbushell commented 10 years ago

yeah, I thought so.

I can't speak for @mitchellvanw, but I imagine L5 support will probably be put on a separate branch. It'll have to happen soon, because many of us are using 5. hehe

mitchellvanw commented 10 years ago

Yes. The moment L5 is out I'll support it. I can't do much about it right now. Sorry

glennjacobs commented 10 years ago

OK, I'll make my own branch until then.

kirkbushell commented 10 years ago

@mitchellvanw we could setup 0.6 to support L5? That way users can just specify 0.6.* as their laravel-doctrine version. Happy to champion this if you like.

jonesio commented 10 years ago

Thanks guys. I too have fixed this locally. Can we not maintain a separate branch that supports L5 in the meantime? Agree with kirkbushell.

hendore commented 10 years ago

+1 for a L5 compatible branch.

simonhampel commented 10 years ago


glennjacobs commented 10 years ago


timothycox commented 9 years ago

+1 please, just about to start a project with L5.

mitchellvanw commented 9 years ago

@konfine Since Laravel 5 is unstable right now this package won't support it just yet. You will have to wait for the release.

gustavor commented 9 years ago

I agree with @mitchellvanw. But I'm totally :+1: to have a L5 separated branch too

glennjacobs commented 9 years ago

Laravel 5 is going into Beta this week, so does that mean we can start working on compatibility?

kirkbushell commented 9 years ago

Yeah we'll get started on it very soon :)

darrencraig commented 9 years ago

I've maintained a fork which currently works with a fresh install of Laravel 5, if it helps anyone until Mitchell & Kirk release something official.

Note: There is currently no way to publish a config file using artisan, so you have to manually copy the vendor/mitchellvanw/laravel-doctrine/config/doctrine.php to /config/doctrine.php

In your composer.json file -

"require": { "mitchellvanw/laravel-doctrine": "dev-develop" }, "repositories": [ { "type": "vcs", "url": "" } ]

Good luck :)

winkbrace commented 9 years ago


kirkbushell commented 9 years ago

Config publishing has now been resolved, and can be found on the docs:

We're 1 step closer to getting an L5 branch ready :)

melloc01 commented 9 years ago

Cool. Now L5 is out, hope you guys release the compatibility branch soon, thanks :smiley:

rreynier commented 9 years ago


mkbrv commented 9 years ago

Any news regarding Laravel 5 compatibility?

ldebrouwer commented 9 years ago

I'm able to help testing any Laravel 5 compatible work today and tomorrow.

ArthurGuy commented 9 years ago

+1 Looking forward to this

DaHaiz commented 9 years ago

push push push :) :+1:

ommartin commented 9 years ago

:+1: Any ETA on L5 compatibility?

dannykopping commented 9 years ago

Submitted a PR which fixes Laravel 5 compatibility:

FoxxMD commented 9 years ago

Hello all,

I needed functionality with L5 so I pulled a bunch of the existing PRs into my own fork. My build is currently working with Laravel 5 (I'm using it now) but YMMV!


Please check the updated README on my fork for instructions on how to install and use all the new functionality/improvments

melloc01 commented 9 years ago

Hey @FoxxMD , sweet, will test it soon :+1:

nloding commented 9 years ago

@FoxxMD - been using your fork all day, works brilliantly so far! Here's hoping an official L5 release of laravel-doctrine is around the corner.

alirezarahmani commented 9 years ago

@FoxxMD use this

FoxxMD commented 9 years ago

@nloding Glad it's working for you! :+1: I'm looking forward to the official release too

@alirezarahmani I actually looked at that project when I was initially researching doctrine integration but there is a lack of documentation and no list of included features. @mitchellvanw has both of those and a larger support community (I couldn't have created a L5 fork without all the PRs people have submitted already!)

ninthspace commented 9 years ago

@FoxxMD: your fork works great for me too, thank you!

kirkbushell commented 9 years ago

Hey all, little update - am currently chasing up @mitchellvanw about this as I have a part to play as well (finalising and testing). I believe he's quite busy atm as he's been unresponsive the past week or so, but we'll get around to it.

Until then, I do recommend using the forks and support others have written for now. Hopefully we'll have something up soon :)

rreynier commented 9 years ago

Any update on an official release?

boris-glumpler commented 9 years ago

I'm gonna need some extra functionality pretty soon. Am happy to do pull requests for those, but a little update on the state of the project would be nice before I invest some time only to find out that it isn't going anywhere. Cheers!

FoxxMD commented 9 years ago

All: I've added **cache:clear-*** commands to artisan in my laravel 5 branch just FYI.

@kirkbushell If you'd like help getting an l5 version ready shoot me an email.

pwm commented 9 years ago

Thanks FoxxMD, will check it out. Any update on the official?

FoxxMD commented 9 years ago


Thanks to the @evopix I have added some more very useful functionality to my laravel 5 fork. (Original comment and full setup above)

What's new:

If you are using my fork with ANNOTATIONS ONLY nothing is required of you to take advantage of these changes, just run composer update to get the new functionality!

However if you would like to move to the new config schema (again, not required) the only change you need to make to doctrine.config is this:

'entity_managers' => [
    'default' => [
        'simple_annotations' => false, //remove this
        'metadata' => [
            'simple' => false //add this
            'driver' => 'annotation' //OPTIONAL, defaults to annotation if not provided

If you want to use XML or YAML drivers this is setup inside the metadata property of your entity_manager array:

'entity_managers' => [
    'default' => [
        'metadata' => [
            'simple' => false //instead of simple_annotations,
            'driver' => 'yaml', //or 'xml' or 'annotation'
            'paths' => [base_path('app/Models/mappings')],
            'extension' => '.dcm.yml'

As always, @kirkbushell and @mitchellvanw if you'd like to merge in my fork please let me know.

rreynier commented 9 years ago

Thanks @FoxxMD, I hope this ends up being merged soon!

melloc01 commented 9 years ago

@FoxxMD Matt, you should update your readme :+1:

FoxxMD commented 9 years ago

@rcbytes Updated the readme! It now includes all information I've provided in this thread.

jurosh commented 9 years ago

Hi guys are you planning to merge changes? There is also possibility to split from @mitchellvanw branch if he is not maintaining it anymore...

npmarrin commented 9 years ago

I hate stomping on @mitchellvanw project but if we don't see any traction I would treat @FoxxMD project as the current maintained fork.

josenicomaia commented 9 years ago


FoxxMD commented 9 years ago

I've added support for DoctrineExtensions. Check the readme for details on installation and configuration.

josenicomaia commented 9 years ago

I am using

FoxxMD commented 9 years ago

For anyone viewing this issue please use laravel-doctrine/orm instead!

We have a much more feature-complete, stable, and up to date integration for Doctrine 2 with Laravel 5+

mitchellvanw commented 7 years ago

Closing because project is no longer maintained. Thanks.