mithrandyr / SimplySql

PowerShell module for querying various SQL databases
MIT License
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Invoke-SqlQuery with parameter used multiple times in query #72

Closed Ture2019 closed 1 year ago

Ture2019 commented 1 year ago

My query refers the same parameter in several places. Does not seem to work today. Query return with empty result. Workaround is obviously to replace parameters inbeforehand. But this is quite a basic feature, would be nice to see fixed. :-)

mithrandyr commented 1 year ago

@Ture2019 without an example of what is going wrong (i.e. steps to reproduce) then I cannot provide a fix. Please provide an example, along with the result you are seeing and then the result you would expect to see.

mithrandyr commented 1 year ago

Here is an example of using the parameter in multiple locations in the query -- I'm using the SQLite provider (but it would work with any other providers).

Open-SQLiteConnection #this will open an inmemory database
Invoke-SqlQuery "Select @name AS First, @name AS Second, @age AS Third, @name AS Fourth" -Parameters @{name = "John Doe"; age = 50}


First    Second   Third Fourth
-----    ------   ----- ------
John Doe John Doe    50 John Doe
Ture2019 commented 1 year ago

Sorry, I can provide a propper example becuase this would involve to set up a test mysql-database. But here is my query:

FROM Settlement 
WHERE settlementDate >= @dato 
AND settlementDate < date_add(@dato, INTERVAL 1 DAY)
mithrandyr commented 1 year ago

@Ture2019 -- so the full powershell code you would be invoking is something like:

Open-MySqlConnection -Server $someServer -Database $someDatabase

$query = "SELECT * FROM Settlement WHERE settlementData >= @dato AND settlementDate < date_add(@dato, INTERVAL 1 DAY)"

Invoke-SqlQuery -query $query -parameters @{dato = [datetime]"2022-11-14"}

And you are saying that this does not return any results? What I need is for you to provide some kind of sample demonstrating your full code (not just the query) for how you are using the SimplySql module itself (what you provide would look like one of my examples). Thanks.

mithrandyr commented 1 year ago

@Ture2019 -- I've created a script that creates a temporary table, populates it with data, and then runs a query against that table that mimics yours above -- referencing a SQL variable multiple times -- the query does return data.

Open-MySqlConnection -Server $server -UserName $username -Password $password

$tempTableQuery = "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE test (someId int AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, someValue varchar(50) NULL, someDate datetime NULL)"

Invoke-SqlUpdate -Query $tempTableQuery | Out-Null

$queryInsert = "INSERT INTO test (someValue, someDate) VALUES (@v, @d)"
foreach($i in (0..100)) {
    $params = @{
        v = "Generated Value = $i"
        d = (Get-Date).AddDays(-7).AddHours(3 * $i)
    Invoke-SqlUpdate -Query $queryInsert -Parameters $params | Out-Null

$query = "SELECT * FROM test WHERE someDate >= @dato AND somedate <= date_add(@dato, INTERVAL 1 DAY)"
Invoke-SqlQuery -Query $query -Parameters @{dato=(Get-date)}

Invoke-SqlUpdate -Query "DROP TABLE test" | Out-Null
mithrandyr commented 1 year ago

@Ture2019 -- closing out this issue as I can't reproduce it -- if you can create repro steps, happy to reopen and look into it.