mithro / autolabeler

Add labels to Pull Requests based on matched file patterns
ISC License
103 stars 27 forks source link

ERROR (HttpError): Not Found #60

Closed mithro closed 4 years ago

mithro commented 4 years ago

The current app deployment is getting the following error;

ERROR    (HttpError): Not Found
    HttpError: Not Found
        at /rbd/pnpm-volume/8f9a4cf4-b57a-45cf-93f2-37bc9eadfd05/node_modules/
        at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:88:5)
        at async sendRequestWithRetries (/rbd/pnpm-volume/8f9a4cf4-b57a-45cf-93f2-37bc9eadfd05/node_modules/
        at async Job.doExecute (/rbd/pnpm-volume/8f9a4cf4-b57a-45cf-93f2-37bc9eadfd05/node_modules/
mithro commented 4 years ago
    HttpError: Not Found
        at /rbd/pnpm-volume/8f9a4cf4-b57a-45cf-93f2-37bc9eadfd05/node_modules/
        at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:88:5)
        at async sendRequestWithRetries (/rbd/pnpm-volume/8f9a4cf4-b57a-45cf-93f2-37bc9eadfd05/node_modules/
        at async Job.doExecute (/rbd/pnpm-volume/8f9a4cf4-b57a-45cf-93f2-37bc9eadfd05/node_modules/
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Gabitchov commented 4 years ago

Good stuff to begin the investigation. Can you give me more detail about the way how the app is deployed(heroku or other)? Thanks

mithro commented 4 years ago

@Gabitchov It is deployed on -- If you sign up to that I can probably give you direct access to the deployed version to play with...

Glitch: The friendly community where everyone builds the web
Simple, powerful, free tools to create and use millions of apps.
Gabitchov commented 4 years ago

I signed up and you can probably find me with the same username @Gabitchov.

Gabitchov commented 4 years ago

I created to fix with a modification of the API call. I will check if there is a ticket open(about this broken api url) on the library used by the Probot framework.

Gabitchov commented 4 years ago

The solution of the issue was found here:

Gabitchov commented 4 years ago

:tada: fixed :tada: