mitmedialab / Terra-Incognita

Your personal media geography. Catherine's thesis project.
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ANALYSIS: assessing geographic diversity of reading for TI #100

Closed kanarinka closed 10 years ago

kanarinka commented 10 years ago

The question: Did users show increased geographic diversity of reading after installing TI?


  1. Compute HHI for world countries using population (which was how we determined # cities/country in TI) -- I've done this already and it's around 750. This is the diversity level we would "expect" if people read perfectly about countries in relation to their % of world population.
  2. Compute preinstallation HHI for users with >= 5 days preinstallation and >= 5 days postinstallation history in the system.
  3. Compute postinstallation HHI for users with >= 5 days preinstallation and >= 5 days postinstallation history in the system.
  4. Did postinstallation HHI go up? For what % of users and by how much on average?

NOTE: exclude Catherine & Matt's user ids

kanarinka commented 10 years ago

For this we need to make:

kanarinka commented 10 years ago

Preliminary Results for Changes in Geographic Diversity of Reading (6/11/14)

48.6% of users showed an increase in geographic diversity of newsreading after installing Terra Incognita

For users who increased diversity, 1610.4 is the average number of increased diversity points on the Herfindahl–Hirschman Index scale of 1-10000

For users who increased diversity, 864.9 is the median number of increased diversity points on the Herfindahl–Hirschman Index scale of 1-10000