Semantic Segmentation for Aerial / Satellite Images with Convolutional Neural Networks including an unofficial implementation of Volodymyr Mnih's methods
I have tested an algorithm on Tesla p100 (Ubuntu Server16.04 LTS x86_64) and it takes one epoch 2Hrs. I applied same algorithm on Quadro M4000 (Ubuntu desktop 16.04 LTS x86_64) takes 2Hrs 40min.
We expected that training time will comedown to half of the Quadro M4000 but their no much difference between Tesla p100 and Quadro M4000.
Please give me guidance so that the training time will be reduced. I appreciate you kind help
I have tested an algorithm on Tesla p100 (Ubuntu Server16.04 LTS x86_64) and it takes one epoch 2Hrs. I applied same algorithm on Quadro M4000 (Ubuntu desktop 16.04 LTS x86_64) takes 2Hrs 40min.
We expected that training time will comedown to half of the Quadro M4000 but their no much difference between Tesla p100 and Quadro M4000.
Please give me guidance so that the training time will be reduced. I appreciate you kind help