mitobench / mitoBench

The mitochondrial workbench
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SVG/PDF Export for Visualizations #28

Closed apeltzer closed 7 years ago

apeltzer commented 7 years ago

We should be able to export visualizations ideally in a vector-based format (EPS, SVG, PDF - or all three of them ;-)).

JudithNeukamm commented 7 years ago

export as png works, vector-based format still todo

apeltzer commented 7 years ago

The export should have higher resolution, its unfortunately already a bit blurry when exporting to PNG. Maybe this could be resolved by exporting either in PDF/SVG or by adding resolution and rendering in that high-resolution, then storing the PNG accordingly.

apeltzer commented 7 years ago

Its apparently quite hard to create SVG/PDF output, I think we should offer the option to print this and use the systems PDF/SVG printer device for this purpose. This way, we generate a scalable PDF file....

Something like this:

apeltzer commented 7 years ago

High Res export works now since dc08e998e0af3511edf7c6647a4b9be87c2dac25 , according to this blog posting:

(but only PNG, though I think 5700x4600 is fine for example)