mitobench / mitoBench

The mitochondrial workbench
8 stars 0 forks source link

Vortrag #41

Closed JudithNeukamm closed 7 years ago

JudithNeukamm commented 7 years ago

Vortrag MitoBench


apeltzer commented 7 years ago

Kays Comments:


-- access to phylotree erwähnen, van Owen zitieren -- mitoDB , mitoBench

Folie 3/4: Bild nach oben, grundsätzlicher zusammenhang

Folie 12:

Folie 16:

Folie 17:

Folie 18:

Folie 21:

Folie 24:

Folie 28:

apeltzer commented 7 years ago

All comments are in the overleaf document now.