If users creates a vocabulary with name like (((().
And Inside learning resource panel if he choose this vocabulary and then choose one of its terms.
And try to close panel without saving data.
Expected behaviour:
It should show a warning alert and ask user to save date.
Actual behaviour:
Learning resource panel exit without any warning.
On console found error:
jquery.js:4224 Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid regular expression: /(^|\.)select2\.(?:.*\.|)select2-term-()(((()(\.|$)/: Unterminated group
It seems issue is with regular expression some where.
Use case:
.Expected behaviour:
Actual behaviour:
jquery.js:4224 Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid regular expression: /(^|\.)select2\.(?:.*\.|)select2-term-()(((()(\.|$)/: Unterminated group
@pwilkins @pdpinch