As a member of the AR team I would like to rely on a single BI report that provides only the required data to help prepare a company-specific monthly xPRO Voucher invoice. This will greatly reduce the time and effort we need to prepare an accurate monthly invoice, financial detail in SAP, ad hoc reporting, simplify training and auditing, and serve as the basis for a repeatable process for future invoices.
As a member of the AR team I would like to rely on a single BI report that provides only the required data to help prepare a company-specific monthly xPRO Voucher invoice. This will greatly reduce the time and effort we need to prepare an accurate monthly invoice, financial detail in SAP, ad hoc reporting, simplify training and auditing, and serve as the basis for a repeatable process for future invoices.
Designs and Mockups
Details, including a mock-up of the desired format (with relevant fields) for the report are available here:
Acceptance Criteria: