Milestone 2: Site content can used to build files that Hugo can serve as a static site
Goal: Our "pre-build" process is set up such that it can be run against an authored site in our database, and create a file structure that can be served as a fully-working static site by running "hugo server"
Google Docs folder Initial wireframes Updated page designs
Issues (by priority)
Milestone 1: Users can author a complete site within the app
Goal: Basic web app functionality is set up, and users can create all the content for a basic navigable site and have it saved in our database.
Authoring UI & CRUD
Milestone 2: Site content can used to build files that Hugo can serve as a static site
Goal: Our "pre-build" process is set up such that it can be run against an authored site in our database, and create a file structure that can be served as a fully-working static site by running "hugo server"
Issues TBD