Open renovate[bot] opened 1 year ago
This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.
docker-compose-notebook.yml docker-compose.yml - `postgres 15.7` - `redis 3.2.12@sha256:7b0a40301bc1567205e6461c5bf94c38e1e1ad0169709e49132cafc47f6b51f3` - `nginx 1.27.0`
Dockerfile - `node 16.20.2` - `python 3.9.19-bullseye` Dockerfile-nb Dockerfile-node - `node 16.20.2`
.github/workflows/ci.yml - `actions/checkout v2` - `snok/install-poetry v1` - `actions/setup-python v4` - `codecov/codecov-action v3` - `actions/checkout v2` - `actions/setup-node v2-beta` - `actions/cache v1` - `codecov/codecov-action v3` - `postgres 15.7` - `redis 3.2.12@sha256:7b0a40301bc1567205e6461c5bf94c38e1e1ad0169709e49132cafc47f6b51f3`
package.json - `@contently/videojs-annotation-comments ^2.0.1` - `@material/base ^0.29.0` - `@material/button ^0.33.0` - `@material/checkbox ^0.33.0` - `@material/dialog ^0.33.0` - `@material/drawer ^0.33.0` - `@material/layout-grid ^0.24.0` - `@material/list ^0.33.0` - `@material/menu ^0.33.0` - `@material/radio ^0.33.0` - `@material/textfield ^0.33.0` - `@material/toolbar ^0.33.0` - `@material/typography ^0.28.0` - `@sentry/browser 5.30.0` - `@silvermine/videojs-quality-selector ^1.2.3` - `autoprefixer ^7.1.2` - `babel-core ^6.25.0` - `babel-eslint ^8.1.2` - `babel-loader ^7.1.1` - `babel-plugin-istanbul ^6.0.0` - `babel-plugin-jsx ^1.2.0` - `babel-plugin-syntax-dynamic-import ^6.18.0` - `babel-plugin-transform-class-properties ^6.24.1` - `babel-plugin-transform-flow-strip-types ^6.22.0` - `babel-plugin-transform-object-rest-spread ^6.23.0` - `babel-plugin-transform-react-constant-elements ^6.23.0` - `babel-plugin-transform-react-inline-elements ^6.22.0` - `babel-plugin-transform-react-jsx ^6.24.1` - `babel-polyfill ^6.23.0` - `babel-preset-env ^1.6.0` - `babel-preset-latest ^6.24.1` - `babel-preset-react ^6.24.1` - `babel-register ^6.24.1` - `casual-browserify ^1.5.12` - `chai ^4.1.0` - `chai-as-promised ^7.1.1` - `codecov ^3.7.1` - `css-loader ^3.5.2` - `enzyme ^3.3.0` - `enzyme-adapter-react-15 ^1.0.5` - `eslint 6.8.0` - `eslint-config-google ^0.14.0` - `eslint-config-mitodl ^0.0.7` - `eslint-plugin-babel ^5.3.0` - `eslint-plugin-flow-vars ^0.5.0` - `eslint-plugin-flowtype ^4.7.0` - `eslint-plugin-mocha ^6.3.0` - `eslint-plugin-react ^7.19.0` - `express ^4.17.3` - `fetch-mock ^5.12.1` - `flow-bin 0.237.2` - `isomorphic-fetch ^2.2.1` - `jquery ^3.5.0` - `jsdom ^16.7.0` - `jsdom-global ^3.0.2` - `lodash ^4.17.21` - `mini-css-extract-plugin ^0.12.0` - `mocha ^7.1.1` - `moment ^2.29.4` - `node-sass ^7.0.0` - `nyc ^15.1.0` - `object.entries ^1.1.1` - `postcss-loader ^4.2.0` - `prettier-eslint-cli ^5.0.0` - `prop-types ^15.5.10` - `ramda ^0.30.0` - `react ^15.6.1` - `react-addons-shallow-compare ^15.6.0` - `react-document-title ^2.0.3` - `react-dom ^15.6.1` - `react-dropbox-chooser ^0.0.5` - `react-ga ^2.2.0` - `react-load-script ^0.0.6` - `react-redux ^5.0.5` - `react-router ^4.2.0` - `react-router-dom ^4.2.2` - `react-test-renderer ^15.6.1` - `react-transition-group ^2.3.1` - `redux ^3.7.2` - `redux-actions ^2.2.1` - `redux-asserts ^0.0.12` - `redux-hammock ^0.2.1` - `redux-logger ^3.0.6` - `redux-thunk ^2.2.0` - `rmwc ^1.4.1` - `sanitize-filename ^1.6.1` - `sass-lint ^1.10.2` - `sass-loader ^10` - `sinon ^9.0.2` - `style-loader ^0.23.0` - `tar ^6.0.0` - `url-loader ^4.1.0` - `victory ^0.27.0` - `video.js ^7.15.0` - `videojs-contrib-quality-levels ^2.0.4` - `videojs-hls-quality-selector ^1.1.0` - `videojs-hotkeys ^0.2.25` - `videojs-youtube ^2.6.0` - `webpack 4.47.0` - `webpack-bundle-tracker ^0.4.3` - `webpack-cli ^3.3.11` - `webpack-dev-middleware ^5.0.0` - `webpack-hot-middleware 2.26.1` - `node 16.20.2` - `yarn 1.22.19` - `acorn ^7.1.1` - `mime ^2.4.6`
pyproject.toml - `poetry-core >=1.0.0`
pyproject.toml - `python ^3.9` - `beautifulsoup4 ^4.9.0` - `boto3 ^1.12.26` - `celery ^5.2.2` - `celery-redbeat ^2.0.0` - `cryptography ^39.0` - `dj-database-url ^0.5.0` - `dj-static ^0.0.6` - `django ^2.2.28` - `django-compat ^1.0.15` - `django-elastic-transcoder v0.9.7` - `django-encrypted-model-fields ^0.6.5` - `django-hijack ^2.1.10` - `django-hijack-admin ^2.1.10` - `django-redis ^5.2.0` - `django-shibboleth-remoteuser v0.12` - `django-webpack-loader ^0.7.0` - `djangorestframework ^3.11.2` - `google-api-python-client ^2.58.0` - `google-auth ^2.11.0` - `google-auth-oauthlib ^0.8.0` - `html5lib ^0.999999999` - `httplib2 ^0.22.0` - `ipython ^7.16.3` - `mit-moira v0.0.4` - `newrelic ^8.8.0` - `psycopg2 2.8.6` - `pycountry ^22.3.5` - `python-dateutil ^2.8.1` - `pytz ^2023.3` - `redis ^4.4.4` - `requests ^2.20.0` - `sentry-sdk ^0.20.0` - `smart-open ^1.5.7` - `structlog ^20.1.0` - `structlog-sentry ^1.2.2` - `urllib3 ^1.24.2` - `uwsgi 2.0.26` - `black ^22.8.0` - `bpython *` - `ddt ^1.6.0` - `django-debug-toolbar <4` - `factory-boy ^3.2.1` - `faker ^18.7.0` - `ipdb <0.14` - `isort ^5.10.1` - `moto ^1.3.16` - `nplusone ^1.0.0` - `pdbpp ^0.10.3` - `pylint 2.14.4` - `pylint-django ^2.5.3` - `pytest ^7.3.1` - `pytest-cov ^4.0.0` - `pytest-django ^4.5.2` - `pytest-env ^0.8.0` - `pytest-mock ^3.10.0` - `pytest-pep8 ^1.0.6` - `pytest-pylint ^0.19.0` - `requests-mock ^1.10.0` - `semantic-version ^2.10.0`
runtime.txt - `python 3.9.19`
This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.
Config Migration Needed
See Config Migration PR: #1147. > [!WARNING] These dependencies are deprecated: | Datasource | Name | Replacement PR? | |------------|------|--------------| | npm | `babel-eslint` | ![Available]( | | npm | `babel-preset-latest` | ![Unavailable]( | | npm | `codecov` | ![Unavailable]( | | npm | `eslint-plugin-flow-vars` | ![Unavailable]( | | npm | `node-sass` | ![Unavailable]( | | npm | `react-load-script` | ![Unavailable]( | ## Rate-Limited These updates are currently rate-limited. Click on a checkbox below to force their creation now. - [ ] Pin dependencies (`actions/cache`, `actions/checkout`, `actions/setup-node`, `actions/setup-python`, `codecov/codecov-action`, `snok/install-poetry`) - [ ] Update dependency uwsgi to v2.0.28 - [ ] Update nginx Docker tag to v1.27.3 - [ ] Update dependency flow-bin to v0.255.0 - [ ] Update postgres Docker tag to v15.10 - [ ] Update python Docker tag to v3.13.0 - [ ] Update Node.js to v22 - [ ] Update actions/cache action to v4 - [ ] Update actions/checkout action to v4 - [ ] Update actions/setup-python action to v5 - [ ] Update codecov/codecov-action action to v5 - [ ] Update dependency acorn to v8 - [ ] Update dependency autoprefixer to v10 - [ ] Update dependency babel-eslint to v10 - [ ] Update dependency babel-loader to v9 - [ ] Update dependency babel-plugin-istanbul to v7 - [ ] Update dependency chai to v5 - [ ] Update dependency chai-as-promised to v8 - [ ] Update dependency css-loader to v7 - [ ] Update dependency eslint to v9 - [ ] Update dependency eslint-config-mitodl to v2 - [ ] Update dependency eslint-plugin-flowtype to v8 - [ ] Update dependency eslint-plugin-mocha to v10 - [ ] Update dependency faker to v33 - [ ] Update dependency fetch-mock to v12 - [ ] Update dependency google-auth-oauthlib to v1 - [ ] Update dependency html5lib to v1 - [ ] Update dependency isomorphic-fetch to v3 - [ ] Update dependency jsdom to v25 - [ ] Update dependency mime to v4 - [ ] Update dependency mini-css-extract-plugin to v2 - [ ] Update dependency mocha to v10 - [ ] Update dependency moto to v5 - [ ] Update dependency newrelic to v10 - [ ] Update dependency node-sass to v9 - [ ] Update dependency nyc to v17 - [ ] Update dependency postcss-loader to v8 - [ ] Update dependency prettier-eslint-cli to v8 - [ ] Update dependency pycountry to v24 - [ ] Update dependency pylint to v3 - [ ] Update dependency pytest to v8 - [ ] Update dependency pytest-cov to v6 - [ ] Update dependency pytest-env to v1 - [ ] Update dependency pytz to v2024 - [ ] Update dependency react-ga to v3 - [ ] Update dependency react-redux to v9 - [ ] Update dependency react-transition-group to v4 - [ ] Update dependency redis to v5 - [ ] Update dependency redux to v5 - [ ] Update dependency redux-actions to v3 - [ ] Update dependency redux-thunk to v3 - [ ] Update dependency rmwc to v14 - [ ] Update dependency sass-loader to v16 - [ ] Update dependency sinon to v19 - [ ] Update dependency smart-open to v7 - [ ] Update dependency structlog to v24 - [ ] Update dependency structlog-sentry to v2 - [ ] Update dependency style-loader to v4 - [ ] Update dependency tar to v7 - [ ] Update dependency urllib3 to v2 - [ ] Update dependency victory to v37 - [ ] Update dependency video.js to v8 - [ ] Update dependency videojs-contrib-quality-levels to v4 - [ ] Update dependency videojs-hls-quality-selector to v2 - [ ] Update dependency videojs-youtube to v3 - [ ] Update dependency webpack to v5 - [ ] Update dependency webpack-bundle-tracker to v3 - [ ] Update dependency webpack-cli to v5 - [ ] Update dependency webpack-dev-middleware to v7 - [ ] Update material-components-web monorepo (major) (`@material/base`, `@material/button`, `@material/checkbox`, `@material/dialog`, `@material/drawer`, `@material/layout-grid`, `@material/list`, `@material/menu`, `@material/radio`, `@material/textfield`, `@material/toolbar`, `@material/typography`) - [ ] Update postgres Docker tag to v17 - [ ] Update react monorepo to v18 (major) (`react`, `react-dom`, `react-test-renderer`) - [ ] Update react-router monorepo to v7 (major) (`react-router`, `react-router-dom`) - [ ] Update redis Docker tag to v7 - [ ] 🔐 **Create all rate-limited PRs at once** 🔐 ## Other Branches These updates are pending. To force PRs open, click the checkbox below. - [ ] Update dependency djangorestframework to v3.15.2 [SECURITY] ## Open These updates have all been created already. Click a checkbox below to force a retry/rebase of any. - [ ] [Update dependency @sentry/browser to v7 [SECURITY]](../pull/1158) - [ ] [Update dependency black to v24 [SECURITY]](../pull/1142) - [ ] [Update dependency cryptography to v43 [SECURITY]](../pull/1143) - [ ] [Update dependency django to v4 [SECURITY]](../pull/1153) - [ ] [Update dependency ipython to v8 [SECURITY]](../pull/1145) - [ ] [Update dependency sentry-sdk to v2 [SECURITY]](../pull/1146) - [ ] [Replace dependency babel-eslint with @babel/eslint-parser ^7.11.0](../pull/1070) - [ ] [Update Yarn to v1.22.22](../pull/1072) - [ ] [Update dependency eslint-config-mitodl to ^0.2.0](../pull/1112) - [ ] [Update dependency psycopg2 to v2.9.10](../pull/1116) - [ ] [Update dependency pylint to v2.17.7](../pull/1117) - [ ] [Update dependency pytest-pylint to ^0.21.0](../pull/1119) - [ ] [Update dependency redux-hammock to ^0.3.0](../pull/1126) - [ ] [Update material-components-web monorepo](../pull/1132) (`@material/base`, `@material/button`, `@material/checkbox`, `@material/dialog`, `@material/drawer`, `@material/layout-grid`, `@material/list`, `@material/menu`, `@material/radio`, `@material/textfield`, `@material/toolbar`, `@material/typography`) - [ ] [Update dependency dj-database-url to v2](../pull/1149) - [ ] [Update dependency django-debug-toolbar to v4](../pull/1150) - [ ] [Update dependency django-hijack to v3](../pull/1151) - [ ] [Update dependency django-webpack-loader to v3](../pull/1152) - [ ] [Lock file maintenance](../pull/1074) - [ ] **Click on this checkbox to rebase all open PRs at once** ## Detected dependenciesdocker-compose