Closed pdpinch closed 6 years ago
We need at least the Blossoms public collection to be migrated in order to test this.
Visit an original TechTV URL Confirm: Confirmed that video loads on OVS with Youtube video playing. Navigating to the collection revrev will initiate Touchstone login. Note Also needs to be able to play from - currently gives a 404 error.
a. no login required Confirmed login isn't required for /595-chandelier links b. comparable OVS page loads Confirmed c. video plays Video plays from Youtube
test video embed has similar behavior Note plays the youtube video with no problem (does not have the same problem as the videos/595 404 error.)
a. With host file settings above, visit Blossoms site - need to get blossoms videos ported over to OVS to test.
Added in uBlocker and blocked and public video plays fine from OVS:
@emmello I added another checkbox for this testing. I'd like us to review the error messages for TechTV URLs to see if they need any adjustment.
We need to allow http embeds on OVS at this point for the Blossoms embeds to work.
Test machine is now able to play either Youtube or OVS embedded videos, though both are showing a smaller window than the original TechTV Flowplayer. Tested with Rob who noticed an opaque color in the HTML code (which I thought was on the Blossoms site) that he will eliminate on the embed code. Playback of the OVS embed is showing black bars on either side of the videos, while the Youtube plays edge to edge. Currently waiting changes by Rob, but functionality of playback works.
I did have a brief problem of what looked like a broken link where the embeds wouldn't play at all on the test machine. Matt tried it in an incognito window and it worked fine. Shortly after that, the embeds started working again so attributed the problem to a computer issue.
I think we can close this.
The CSS issues were fixed in #539 but I'm not sure if they have been released yet.
Before we switch over the TechTV DNS, we need to manually test private URLs.