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CAR-2021-01-15: GetSystem in Meterpreter & Cobalt Strike & Empire & PoshC2 Beacon #93

Closed sebastiendamaye closed 3 years ago

sebastiendamaye commented 3 years ago

CAR-2021-01-15: GetSystem in Meterpreter & Cobalt Strike & Empire & PoshC2 Beacon

This Analytics is inspired from the excellent post from RedCanary available here.

Windows Services often need this level of privilege for system management. Client management and deployment products often use SYSTEM to allow software installations. Security software often uses SYSTEM to peer into the activity of other users on a system, a use case that also appeals to adversaries. When using SYSTEM, an adversary can monitor and manipulate data from any other user on that local computer. While this account doesn’t allow an adversary network access to log on to other computers, it does allow the adversary to execute credential access attacks against files and memory on a computer to compromise credentials for network access. This is commonly seen with attacks that use tools like Mimikatz. In the really unfortunate cases where adversaries gain access to the SYSTEM account on Active Directory domain controllers, they can grab credentials for any users within the domain and manipulate Active Directory to add accounts for themselves.

This is why many offensive security tools include a command named getsystem or similar. These commands make those tools try one or more things to elevate privileges to that SYSTEM account so the adversary can own everything on the victim host.

ATT&CK Coverage

Technique Level of Coverage
Abuse Elevation Control Mechanism Moderate

Data Model Mappings

Object Action Field
process create command_line
process create exe

Analytic Code

GetSystem in Meterpreter & Cobalt Strike’s Beacon

With process monitoring, hunt for processes matching these criteria:


cmd.exe /c echo ba80ae80df9 > \\.\pipe\66bee3
cmd.exe /c echo fvxens > \\.\pipe\fvxens

The second GetSystem method uses rundll32.exe and a few hardcoded command line options to execute a DLL for privilege escalation. Thankfully, the command line options are consistent and appear similar to this:

rundll32.exe C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\Temp\fvxens.dll,a /p:fvxens

As with named pipe impersonation, you can use process monitoring to hunt for this. Look for processes matching these criteria:

GetSystem in Empire & PoshC2


cmd.exe /C start %COMSPEC% /C `"timeout /t 3 >nul&&echo TestSVC > \\.\pipe\TestSVC`

Splunk Search (Splunk, Sysmon native)

Meterpreter and Cobalt Strike:

(CommandLine="*echo*" AND CommandLine="*\\pipe\\*")
) OR (
CommandLine="*,a /p:*"

Empire and PoshC2:

(Image="C:\\Windows\\System32\\cmd.exe" OR CommandLine="*%COMSPEC%*")
(CommandLine="*echo*" AND CommandLine="*\pipe\*")
ikiril01 commented 3 years ago

@sebastiendamaye thanks for the submission! This looks great; we'll convert to our YAML format for inclusion and will let you know if we have any questions.

ikiril01 commented 3 years ago

Thanks again for the submission! This has been incorporated as of e527105.