mitre / HTTP-Proxy-Servlet

Smiley's HTTP Proxy implemented as a Java servlet
Apache License 2.0
1.45k stars 555 forks source link

Not suitable for dynamic urls calculated for each request #57

Open szarza opened 9 years ago

szarza commented 9 years ago

Hello: First, thank you very much for sharing your excellent work.

In my case, I need a proxy for which I get the full (complete) url through a service, like this: http://user:password@

For this case, your servlet does not work unless some methods are overridden, because you code assumes that targetUri and targetHost are fixed and initialized once.

Then my solution working:

    public void service(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException,
            IOException {
        log.trace("<== {}?{}",request.getRequestURL(),request.getQueryString());
        if (cat.verify(request.getQueryString())) {
            try {
                targetUriObj = new URI(sercomResources.getRecord(request.getParameter("id")).getUrl());
                targetHost = URIUtils.extractHost(targetUriObj);
                log.trace("==> {}",targetUriObj);
                super.service(request, response);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                log.warn("Error obteniendo destino",e);
                throw new ServletException("Trying to process targetUri init parameter: " + e, e);
        } else {
            response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, CAT.CESTEL_AUTH_TOKEN
                    + " missing.");
            log.warn("Intento de acceso prohibido: {}", request.getRequestURI());

    protected void initTarget() throws ServletException {
         * evitar super.initTarget() porque, al no estabecer parámetros en la
         * inicialización, esta llamada genera NPE
        // super.initTarget();

    protected String rewriteUrlFromRequest(HttpServletRequest servletRequest) {
         * super.rewriteUrlFromRequest(servletRequest) genera Url errónea
        return targetUriObj.toString();

Thanks again. Regards.

dsmiley commented 9 years ago

Hi, I think you can use

szarza commented 9 years ago

In my case, for a request "A" without any parameters, I get a complete URL "B" by an external service passing "A" as a parameter.

The "calculated" URL's are not known at init() time. I don't know any "template" for final URL either, and doesn't have to be homogeneous (final url can be http://a/b/c/d/e/h.mp3 or http://a/j.mp3 or any other form).

So the parameters for the template can't come from client request. The service (EJB) sercomResources.getRecord(request.getParameter("id")).getUrl() gives me the complete (full) final URL. The client knows nothing about final destination proxified.

For example, for client request http://play?id=345, the final URL would be and for client request http://play?id=346, the final URL would be (different servers, paths, etc...)


dsmiley commented 9 years ago

Okay. If you can recommend API extensibility improvements that will help you, then send a pull request. Otherwise, it seems the proxy is working for you. It's expected you'd need to subclass to meet a requirement like this.

tecgie commented 8 years ago

Just wonder if your proxy can handle winsocket. I have a requirement to proxy the winsocket in addition to http requests. I am new to the winsocket, so I am not sure.

For example, ws://localhost -> ws://localhost:59595

Moreover, my proxy mapping looks something like the following. The {port} is dynamically generated. So it doesn't seem I can use your code as is, I may need to modify the code a bit? http://localhost:8080/app -> http://localhost:{port}

Thanks, Denny

dsmiley commented 8 years ago

Denny, next time please create a new issue instead of commenting on an unrelated issue.

RE winsocket: I have no idea honestly. I've never heard of it.I looked at extremely briefly and I at least didn't see any URLs like that; it looks like an API, not a URL scheme. I dunno.

tecgie commented 8 years ago

I meant websocket.


I have minimal knowledge with it, but we have a requirement to have reverse proxy for it.

Do you know if your proxy will work for websocket?

Thanks Denny

On Feb 2, 2016, at 10:32 PM, David Smiley wrote:

Denny, next time please create a new issue instead of commenting on an unrelated issue.

RE winsocket: I have no idea honestly. I've never heard of it.I looked at extremely briefly and I at least didn't see any URLs like that; it looks like an API, not a URL scheme. I dunno.

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dsmiley commented 8 years ago

It appears not, as this proxy uses Apache HttpClient which has this open issue to support it (back from 2010)