# microsoft-windows-server-2019-stig-baseline
InSpec profile to validate the secure configuration of Microsoft Windows Server 2019, against [DISA](https://iase.disa.mil/stigs/)'s **Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Security Technical Implementation Guide (STIG) Version 1, Release 3**.
## Getting Started
It is intended and recommended that InSpec run this profile from a __"runner"__ host (such as a DevOps orchestration server, an administrative management system, or a developer's workstation/laptop) against the target remotely over __winrm__.
__For the best security of the runner, always install on the runner the _latest version_ of InSpec and supporting Ruby language components.__
Latest versions and installation options are available at the [InSpec](http://inspec.io/) site.
## Running This Profile
inspec exec https://github.com/mitre/microsoft-windows-server-2019-stig-baseline/archive/master.tar.gz -t winrm://<hostip> --user '<admin-account>' --password=<password> --reporter cli json:<filename>.json
Runs this profile over winrm to the host at IP address <hostip> as a privileged user account (i.e., an account with administrative privileges), reporting results to both the command line interface (cli) and to a machine-readable JSON file.
The following is an example of using this command.
inspec exec https://github.com/mitre/microsoft-windows-server-2019-stig-baseline/archive/master.tar.gz -t winrm://$winhostip --user 'Administrator' --password=Pa55w0rd --reporter cli json:win-2019-server-results.json
## Viewing the JSON Results
The JSON results output file can be loaded into __[heimdall-lite](https://mitre.github.io/heimdall-lite/)__ for a user-interactive, graphical view of the InSpec results.
The JSON InSpec results file may also be loaded into a __full heimdall server__, allowing for additional functionality such as to store and compare multiple profile runs.
## Contributing and Getting Help
To report a bug or feature request, please open an [issue](https://github.com/mitre/microsoft-windows-server-2019-stig-baseline/issues/new).
For other help, please send a message to [inspec@mitre.org](mailto:inspec@mitre.org).
To contribute, please review the [contribution guidelines](https://github.com/mitre/docs-mitre-inspec/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md).
## Authors
- Jared Burns [burnsjared0415](https://github.com/burnsjared0415)
- Shivani Karikar [karikarshivani](https://github.com/karikarshivani)
## Special Thanks
- Aaron Lippold [aaronlippold](https://github.com/aaronlippold)
- Eugene Aronne [ejaronne](https://github.com/ejaronne)
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