mitre / cti

Cyber Threat Intelligence Repository expressed in STIX 2.0
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how to save the data to db and we can migrate it to myself #178

Closed xx-zhang closed 2 years ago

xx-zhang commented 3 years ago

i want to create my new Att&CK, but is there some covinient way to contibute it. and then we scan save the data to mysql or es for updating .

isaisabel commented 3 years ago

Hi @xx-zhang,

If your intention is to modify the ATT&CK knowledge base for your own means, we recommend you check out the ATT&CK Workbench project. ATT&CK Workbench allows you to extend existing ATT&CK objects (E.g techniques, groups, software, and the mappings between them) or create new ones in a local copy of the ATT&CK knowledge base.

ATT&CK Workbench is backed by a mongo database where the data is saved which is to my knowledge the only open-source tool for putting ATT&CK STIX data in a database. Utilities are included for importing and exporting data from this database so that it's easy to get started. Workbench also includes utilities for staying up to date with subsequent updates to the knowledge base when they're released.

Check out the repository or announcement blog post for more details:

If you want to contribute to the official ATT&CK knowledge base (e.g this repository), please see our contributing page for more information: