mitre / cti

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Techniques table is empty for the Mobile Tactics Network Effects and Remote Service Effects #205

Closed watgh closed 1 year ago

watgh commented 1 year ago

n version 10, Network Effects and Remote Service Effects had Techniques in the Mobile Matrix. As of Version 11, these techniques were apparently moved. The Techniques table is now empty. The question is, should these tactics have been deprecated? Are there still valid tactics? I'm submitting this to both mitre/cti (#205) and mitre-attack/attack-website (#392). -- Thanks!

jondricek commented 1 year ago

I'm going to copy/paste my answer from the connected issue here, but basically thank you for pointing out this oversight from our end!

Linked issue:

Thanks for the feedback! In this case it was an oversight on our end and we will be deprecating both of the following Tactics in the 12.1 release tomorrow since, as you've pointed out, we have no current active Techniques mapped to them.

  • TA0038: Network Effects
  • TA0039: Remote Service Effects