mitre / cti

Cyber Threat Intelligence Repository expressed in STIX 2.0
1.71k stars 410 forks source link seems to be down #226

Closed jpferrero closed 4 months ago

jpferrero commented 5 months ago

Trying to connect to is failing with a 'connection refused'.

jrainey-wawa commented 5 months ago

I'm running into the same thing.

0utflank commented 5 months ago

Still running into this issue.

jrainey-wawa commented 5 months ago

This seems to be resolved for us now. As of EOD Friday the connection seemed to be intermittent, with requests only failing a fraction of the time. Our last failure to pull Indicators was Mar 22nd 2024 13:32:18 EST.

jondricek commented 4 months ago

Sorry for the downtime - the TAXII server should be back up and running now. Thanks for your patience!

We are actively moving away from the legacy TAXII 2.0 server that has had many issues over the years (and will be taken offline on Dec 18th 2024 as we just announced in the ATT&CK v15 blog post) and are recommending that people check out the TAXII 2.1 server instead going forward. Hope that helps!

TAXII 2.1 server usage information: