mitre / heimdall-lite-1.0

A single page java-script implementation of the MITRE Heimdall InSpec results viewer
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Enhancement request for more streamlined/automated way of loading JSON file #45

Open msnook opened 5 years ago

msnook commented 5 years ago

In order to incorporate Heimdall within standard CI processes, it would be nice to cut out the manual step of having to browse and load the JSON file. Requesting an enhancement to be able to pass a structured URI to a deployed Heimdall instance, which loads the file directly without having to manually browse and load the file.

rx294 commented 5 years ago

This might be useful feature for our Jenkins integration as well.

Here is my suggestion: We should have an optional url param path through which we could provide the local path to the json

if path != null : H-Lite will directly load the json and go straight to the results page

if path = null: H-Lite will work as it does right now starting at the file load page

this way we could use the same H-Lite version for the Jenkins use, we might not even need a Jenkins plugin if we can get create the right url

@aaronlippold @ejaronne @yarick please share your thoughts