mitre / heimdall2

Heimdall Enterprise Server 2 lets you view, store, and compare automated security control scan results.
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Possibly move controltable back to Vuetify Datatable #67

Open Mitriol opened 4 years ago

Mitriol commented 4 years ago

Now that it has proper expansion support,

and proper custom rows,

many of our initial reasons for simply using a list view are now moot.

This would solve the alignment issues and potentially/almost definitely. increase performance for paginated views.

However, the main reason to NOT make this change is that the initial implementation by the Vuetify devs was incredibly inefficient when doing the "all" view for extremely large #'s of rows. We must weigh the cost of development against the chance that this inefficiencies are still crippling. Additionally, we would lose our nifty stacking - however, said stacking is kind of a PITA to maintain.

Amndeep7 commented 2 years ago

I'm not sure what that "nifty stacking" looks like in comparison to the current form of the control table. Might be worth doing a research spike on this to reduce 430+78+224+261+61+45+41+111 lines of code.